We often talk of a “shrinking” world, and in many ways, it is. Technology opens the door for many people around the world to learn and see beyond their borders. Yet for all this, our world is filled with people who have never heard the story of God’s love, of a savior who died for their sins, and a Holy Spirit that can walk with them through life’s challenges.
Christian media is helping to change that. Technology has opened the door to reach into the most unreached people groups with God’s Good News. And the Lord is calling out people from their own culture, their own country, to take that message to those around them.
Often these dedicated servants are doing a great job in using these tools of communication to reach their world. Yet, many times they need additional training, mentoring, and networking to effectively use these powerful tools.
MEDIAlliance International listens to these Christian broadcasters, learning what they need most. Then wedesign the right kind of help, using some of the best Christian broadcasters to be found anywhere.
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