The vision of MEDIAlliance Internationalis to help Christian communicators around the world as they use today’s tools to bring the Gospel to their culture, that lives would be transformed for Christ Jesus.
Our mission is to train, assist, connect, consult, mentor, and encourage Christian broadcasters and communicators, many serving in places of challenge and difficulty for the cause of Christ and for the Gospel.
Haiti is spiritually one of the darkest places in this hemisphere. Yet God’s light is streaming from Christian radio stations in this island nation. Ron Harris was part of a team taking solar powered radios, tuned to the local Christian station, Radio 4VEH, to the Haitian people who need to know Jesus.
This man, living in the darkness of the Haitian jungles amid voodoo worship and witch doctors, gets his spiritual light daily from Christian radio.
Ron Harris
Since its founding in 2013, Ron has served as the president of MEDIA Alliance International and has provided media and leadership training in locations around the world.