Have you considered giving monthly to MEDIAlliance?
MEDIAlliance International continues to grow its global impact month by month. God has blessed us for over five years with wonderful donors who have stepped in at important moments to help fund the ministry. Now, as more doors open for media training and mentoring, we need to grow the foundational support that monthly giving can bring.
In addition to the help it is to those whom we serve around the world, monthly gifts often mean that a donor can give more than through one-time gifts. The monthly support becomes a triple blessing.
You can sign up today on our secure web page Donations.
Could you give $10 a month? That would be a great encouragement to us, and a blessing to God’s faithful servants around the world.
MEDIAlliance is active with ministries in over 20 countries, helping them reach the unreached people of their culture with the hope of the Gospel. Your gifts help them to be more effective in sharing the love of the Lord Jesus with millions.
Prayerfully consider giving monthly, and see what God will do in you and through you.
[button title=”Sign Up Here for Monthly Giving” link=”http://medialliance.cc/donations/” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”icon-money-line” icon_position=”left” color=” ” font_color=”” size=”3″ full_width=”1″ class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]
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