Monthly Giving

$10 Can Make a Difference

Have you considered giving monthly to MEDIAlliance?

MEDIAlliance International continues to grow its global impact month by month. God has blessed us for over five years with wonderful donors who have stepped in at important moments to help fund the ministry. Now, as more doors open for media training and mentoring, we need to grow the foundational support that monthly giving can bring.

In addition to the help it is to those whom we serve around the world, monthly gifts often mean that a donor can give more than through one-time gifts. The monthly support becomes a triple blessing.

You can sign up today on our secure web page Donations.

Could you give $10 a month? That would be a great encouragement to us, and a blessing to God's faithful servants around the world.

MEDIAlliance is active with ministries in over 20 countries, helping them reach the unreached people of their culture with the hope of the Gospel. Your gifts help them to be more effective in sharing the love of the Lord Jesus with millions.

Prayerfully consider giving monthly, and see what God will do in you and through you.

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Who is MEDIAlliance


is a global nonprofit organization helping evangelical Christian broadcasters. Our clients are nationals who have established Christian stations in their native ountries. The scope of our work comprises five areas.

1. Programming: MEDIAlliance provides connections to doctrinally-sound evangelical program resources. The goal is to provide solid Bible teaching by radio, television, and other media in under served areas of the world.

2.Technology: MEDIAlliance provides technical strategies for stations needing to improve their efforts. This may include improvements in studio systems to raise the standard of commercial broadcast excellence, or transmission systems, with assistance in procuring equipment for increasing a station's signal strength...and more.

3. Mentoring: MEDIAlliance dialogues with its client broadcasters on topics such as how to develop involvement strategies to engage listeners in the communities they serve and...most to connect new Christians with a local church. When listeners take "ownership" and tell friends, the Gospel takes hold and grows.

4. Training: MEDIAlliance provides training for broadcasters, both individually and in extensive seminars, on localities conentient to them.

5. Networking: MEDIAlliance training events bring entrepreneurial Christian broadcasters together, where they form friendships, share ideas, and begin networking together.

Being Yourself

Lady in professional audio recording studio talks into the microphone.Uh…I need to…uh…stop saying “uh.”

The magazine article caught my eye. Its topic was "How to sound authentic on the radio." Among the tips the author listed was:

“As you read your on-air copy, throw in a few “uh’s” along the way. You'll sound more real to the listeners."

I laughed! I say “uh” plenty of times without having to throw a few of them in on purpose. Is that how you sound authentic? Real? It reminded me of a funny saying, a pseudo life principle we used to have in college.

Be sincere…whether you mean it or not.

What was this author saying? There is the possibility that an on-air person can be so polished and so perfect that he or she doesn’t sound real. The perfectly modulated tones. The perfect phrasing and interpretation. Perfect in every way. Yet we look around our world, we realize it is far from perfect. They tell me that even the most precious diamonds have small flaws. We live in an imperfect world that strives for perfection.

But will a few “uh’s” thrown in at random change all that? Really? That could sound just as artificial as the perfect voice and presentation. So what’s the answer.

Be real. Talk to people via radio and TV like you would someone sitting across from you. And when reading a copy, work to sound natural and personable. Record yourself reading. Listen to it. How does it sound to you?


The goal isn’t perfection, it is communication.

By the way, most of us need to work on reducing the number of times we say “uh,” or whatever the equivalent is in your native language. We need to eliminate the extraneous words we use that have no real meaning. In the USA we need to control the use of “you know,” “like,” “just” (which comes up often in prayers), and many more.

Communicate clearly.
Communicate authentically.
Communicate personably.

Did you…uh…get all that?

News and Events

The heart of MEDIAlliance International is to serve the church, by assisting media outlets to be more effective as they share the Gospel of Christ. The international ministries we work with all have strong connections to the local evangelical churches in their areas. Indeed, it is one of main criteria we look for in selecting broadcast ministries with which to partner.

So the time of dedication for MEDIAlliance International at First Baptist Church of  Dallas was a moving and meaningful time for the Board, its many supporters, and for Judy and Ron Harris. On August 25, 2013, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Dallas led the dedication time, and led the prayer as church leaders laid hands on Ron, Judy, and the MEDIAlliance Board.

Click HERE to see a video of the dedication time.

MEDIAlliance Faculty Team

Jon Hull

Senior Director of Programming

KSBJ, Houston, Texas USA


Bill Blount

President, Blount Communications Group

Derry, New Hampshire USA

Chairman, National Religious Broadcasters


Richard Klein

Senior Producer

CBN, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Wayne Shepherd

President, Wayne Shepherd Communications

Naperville, Illinois USA


Bryan Bailey

Director of Media and Production

First Baptist Church

Dallas, Texas


Curtis Nichols

Senior Editor

PCS Productions

Irving, Texas


John Carley


Trinet Internet Solutions

Irvine, California


Stan Jeter

Senior Producer

CBN, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Todd Isberner

President, Co-Founder

ShareMedia Services, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Sharon Geiger

Assistant General Manager

KCBI Radio, Dallas, Texas USA

John McKinnon

Director, Broadcast Operations

In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia USA
Gary Longenecker

Production Manager

In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia USA


Priti A Choudhry

Managing Director, CBN India 


Ty Stakes

HCJB Global, Asia Pacific


Krista Sederwall

Managing Producer, India Programming

CBN, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA


Ronald L. Harris

President, MEDIAlliance International

Arlington, Texas USA

Ronald L. Harris has been around broadcasting for most of his life, beginning in radio almost 50 years ago. After serving two years as Assistant Professor of Communications and Special Assistant to the President at Dallas Baptist University, Ron Harris is the president of MEDIAlliance International. In that role he links Christian broadcasters in the United States with those in various places around the world to grow the impact of Christian broadcasting and the Gospel of Christ.


Ron served with KCBI Radio in Dallas, Texas, for 15 years, most of that time as Executive Vice President and General Manager and host of the Morning Program. Ron Harris also served in the US Air Force as a Radio/TV specialist. In 2004 Dallas Baptist University conferred upon Ron the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree for Christian service that integrates his faith with his vocational calling.


Dr. Harris was Chairman of the Board for National Religious Broadcasters for three years and has been a part of NRB for over 30, serving through the years as a workshop leader and speaker, board member, executive committee officer, as well as chairman.He now serves on the NRB International Committee.

New members continue to be added to the MEDIAlliance facutly.
Contact Ron Harris for more information about joining our teaching team.

Experienced Leadership

Ron Harris' broadcast experience spans over five decades. And he has worked in partnership projects with Christian broadcasters around the world for ten years. His heart is to see God's message of hope and joy reach into all corners of the world. Christian media is a great tool to work alongside the local churches to reach the lost and disciple believers.
268_IMG_0629A Roma (gypsy) girl is excited to get her own radio tuned to Radio 7 in Tirana, Albania. Through music and teaching, this young soul will learn about what it means to be loved by God, to be saved by His Son, Jesus, and to be led by His Holy Spirit.

Radio 7 partners with ministries and local churches to distribute these radios to the Roma people, that they might have the hope found only in the Lord Jesus, in spite of the circumstances of their lives.
Many of the 1.2 billion people in India feel trapped and imprisoned...bypoverty, the cultural caste system, and spiritual darkness. But evangelical Christian broadcasters are joining forces to be better equiped to proclaim the Good News via television, the Internet, and whatever ways God opens to them.

MEDIAlliance is active in providing training seminars for these media professionals to expand their skills, and in helping these broadcasters come together as an association to have a stronger voice as Christian broadcasters when speaking to legislators, regulators, and the public sector.

Dr. Ron Harris speaks to broadcast professionals at a Christian media conference in Chennai, India.

About Us

The vision of MEDIAlliance Internationalis to help Christian communicators around the world as they use today's tools to bring the Gospel to their culture, that lives would be transformed for Christ Jesus.
Our mission is to train, assist, connect, consult, mentor, and encourage Christian broadcasters and communicators, many serving in places of challenge and difficulty for the cause of Christ and for the Gospel.
236_HaitiHaiti is spiritually one of the darkest places in this hemisphere. Yet God's light is streaming from Christian radio stations in this island nation. Ron Harris was part of a team taking solar powered radios, tuned to the local Christian station, Radio 4VEH, to the Haitian people who need to know Jesus.

This man, living in the darkness of the Haitian jungles amid voodoo worship and witch doctors, gets his spiritual light daily from Christian radio.

Helping Others Touch Lives Through Christian Media

135_Ron_HaitiWe often talk of a "shrinking" world, and in many ways, it is. Technology opens the door for many people around the world to learn and see beyond their borders. Yet for all this, our world is filled with people who have never heard the story of God's love, of a savior who died for their sins, and a Holy Spirit that can walk with them through life's challenges.

Christian media is helping to change that. Technology has opened the door to reach into the most unreached people groups with God's Good News. And the Lord is calling out people from their own culture, their own country, to take that message to those around them.

Often these dedicated servants are doing a great job in using these tools of communication to reach their world. Yet, many times they need additional training, mentoring, and networking to effectively use these powerful tools.

MEDIAlliance International listens to these Christian broadcasters, learning what they need most. Then wedesign the right kind of help, using some of the best Christian broadcasters  to be found anywhere.


Ron Harris visits with students at the
India Media Training in Allahabad, India.