While in Romania Judy and I took the opportunity to visit Alfa Omega Television and our dear friends Tudor and Mirela Petan. It has been our privilege to know these humble servants that God is using in mighty ways to take His message of hope through Christ to their world. This is Alfa Omega’s 20th anniversary in ministry and their 8th year on the air.
Tudor and Mirela have built this ministry from the ground up, and are continuing to build and add to their Alfa Omega Communications Center in Timisoara. God continues to give them a big vision of reaching people throughout the region through today’s technology and creative and meaningful programming.
Pray for Alfa Omega, for the continued growth of their opportunities to impact that region with God’s Good News, and for Tudor, Mirela and the whole ministry team.
You have been such a great encouragement to the Bogeski family, Sasko, Ira, and their daughter Abigail. For over a year Sasko has been under the cloud of a potential murder charge for defending his family and his home. Throughout the year Satan has sought to discourage Sasko and diminish his ministry work. Yet over and over Sasko and Ira have commented how they have felt the prayers of so many around the world, and have been strengthened by God’s hand through those praying and helping.
As of this writing, there is no resolution to the case. It may possibly go to trial, causing much more in the way of expenses for this humble family, not to mention the ordeal of the trial itself. I hope you will join me in praying for this case to be dismissed so that Sasko and his family can continue their ministry work without these heavy burdens.
Judy and I had the joy of spending several days with the Bogeski family, worshiping, fellowshipping, speaking to church groups and Bible students. We spent time talking through and planning ministry projects to help those in Serbia hear the truth of God’s love and grace for all who trust in God’s Son, Jesus. In addition, Sasko has headed up a team of volunteers to help people devastated by the worst flooding in history in Serbia. These Christian workers have helped clean homes and have been there to bring hope and encouragement in the midst of disaster.
Continue to pray for ELION Media Ministry in Belgrade. Pray for Sasko, Ira, and Abigail, that they will be protected physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And pray for continuing opportunities for this ministry and family to be the shining lighthouse in that country.
Many of you have been a part of helping Radio 7 minister throughout Albania and Kosovo. God is blessing your prayers and support. Radio stations in Tirana and Shkodra, Albania, as well as in Pristina, Kosovo, continue to proclaim God’s Truth in a mostly Muslim world. Not only are they sharing God’s hope to nonbelievers, they are providing spiritual depth to Christ-followers who are primarily first-generation Christians.
It is not without challenges, difficulties, and costs. Radio 7 (also known as Media 7) has been putting television programs on secular TV stations in Albania and Kosovo. Recently they were asked to give up their established broadcast times, so Muslim programs could be run in their place, especially during Ramadan. Radio 7 is holding to the contracts they have signed and staying with the times their programs have run for several years. Station managers are receiving a lot of pressure to move the Christian programs. Please pray for these station leaders to honor the contracts and allow the Christian programs to continue airing.
Radio 7 in Kosovo is also taking steps to secure their broadcast studios, to give the best protection they can to the Christian staff. Threats and even physical attacks continue to be a possibility. Pray for the resources and for God’s wisdom for Radio 7 to take the proper steps to protect programming and people.
The teaching team is just about complete and the schedules are coming together as the Indian Christian Media Association presents the 5th Kingdom Media Conference, in association with MEDIAlliance International and other ministries. This conference will be held in Mumbai, India, September 3-5. Over 200 attendees are expected to participate in several tracks of media training…television, both intermediate and advanced, radio, church media, and social media/Internet.
The Christian broadcasters and communicators who serve as faculty provide their own travel expenses to India, and MEDIAlliance covers their expenses while in the country. It is a wonderful partnership arrangement that provides top quality training as well as outstanding spiritual insight.
Pray for the many details that still remain for the ICMA team in India, and for our teaching team that will be travelling to Mumbai for this conference. I believe God is preparing India for challenging days ahead for Christians and for the Gospel. Thanks to you who have prayed with us and provided specific financial support for this in past years. It is paying eternal dividends.
Judy and I were delighted to host Soner Tufan in our home in late May. He heads up Radio Shema in Ankara, Turkey. This ministry is a lighthouse in a land that can identify only a few thousand evangelical Christ-followers among the almost 80 million people who are mostly Muslim.
Soner shared with some in our home of his hope to add more stations in Turkey as God opens the door. Pray for Soner and Radio Shema, a strategic ministry for Christ.
Scanning the headlines or most broadcast news sources, you might think things in Ukraine are OK now. However, there is still much tension in that country. Yet with the tension comes opportunity for the Gospel. Many in that country are searching for peace. What a great time to tell them of the Prince of Peace.
Our dear friend Dr. Hannu Haukka of Great Commission Media (GCM) in Finland is leading out in a major effort to share the Good News in Eastern Ukraine…Odessa, to be exact. His Mega City Campaigns mobilize the evangelical churches and utilize all types of media in a month-long blitz
to offer millions the “Power to Change.”
Pray for Hannu Haukka and the GCM staff and the thousands of volunteers who will interact with those seeking hope in the midst of a volatile and often violent world.
NovaMedia in Kiev, Ukraine, has extended an invitation for me to come to speak to Christian media professionals in November. It is my hope that I will be able to go and encourage those who have access to such powerful tools like radio, TV, Internet, and print, to provide a path toward peace with God.
Ministry Partner Galcom International
What if you could put a million missionaries on the field that could share the hope of Christ with scores of people all day, every day? That is what Galcom International has accomplished through the years. This organization, based in Canada, produces solar powered radios that are set to the frequency of the local Christian radio station in ministry locations all over the world. Whole families…sometimes whole villages…are impacted by the teaching they receive from these little electronic missionaries. Glacom has just surpassed the one million mark for production and distribution of these amazing radios.
I have had the joy of helping with the distribution, most recently in
Haiti, as these radios were given to villagers, even to witch doctors, in remote areas of northern Haiti.
Congratulations to our friends Tim Whitehead, Executive Director, and Allen McGuirl, one of the Galcom founders, for this God-honoring milestone.
MEDIAlliance International Team
Our MEDIAlliance ministry team continues to grow. We are blessed to have many who volunteer to teach at regional training seminars, like the one in India in September. We could not provide such outstanding training without them.
Along with the volunteers, MEDIAlliance is honored to two who serve on a part time basis to keep the ministry running smoothly. Let me introduce these folks.
D’Lynn Moxon joined MEDIAlliance about a year ago as Bookkeeper/Financial Coordinator. She has been a great help to me in making sure all our financial records are in order and that we can track God’s material blessings through those who give to the ministry. D’Lynn serves fulltime as Financial Assistant at Lake Arlington Baptist Church, where she and her family attend.
D’Lynn and her husband Ted Moxon have been married 27 years, and have two daughters, Amelia, who attends Texas Tech, and Abby, a junior in high school. D’Lynn has done accounting in both the public and private sector, and now is able to use her expertise in ministry. She says, “I love my life as a wife, mother and accountant, and know that it has all come from God’s hand. My life verse is Philippians 4:6-7. It has never failed me, because He is faithful to keep His promises.”
Newest to the MEDIAlliance team is Heidi Mizell. Heidi joined the MEDIAlliance International team in May as the Database/Donor Coordinator. She has over 15 years of administrative experience with 10 years of working directly with database software.
Heidi is from Jacksonville, Florida where she met and married her husband Stephen in 1999. In August of 2000, they answered God’s call to full time vocational service and left Florida to start seminary in North Carolina. Heidi worked in various administrative capacities, during Stephen’s studies. In August 2008, they moved to Texas where she worked full time at Southwestern in the Institutional Advancement department while Stephen completed doctoral work.
Heidi and Stephen have three daughters, Chloe , age 5, Brooke, age 2 ½, and Kathryn, nine months. She enjoys singing in the Resounding Praise choir at Birchman Baptist Church, working as the Lead Coordinator/Volunteer of the Brother’s Keeper ministry at Southwestern Seminary, and cooking.
Both of these MEDIAlliance team members are a great help and a blessing for the ministry.