How long do you hang on to a dream? Has the Lord given you a specific idea or vision about ministry, your family, your future? What happens if it doesn’t materialize on your timetable? Was it just a dream, or a vision from God? How long…?
In his outstanding book, Living Out of the Overflow, Dr. Richard Blackaby uses biblical examples to both strengthen us and encourage us about the life to which God has called us. The life of Moses serves as an example of God’s faithfulness and of Moses’ decisions that impacted the Lord’s vision for him and the Israelites he led.
We know the account of the great miracles God did, how He led the Israelites out of Egypt in a miraculous way and started them on the journey to the Promised Land. And we know of the rebellion of the people against Moses, and ultimately against God. Blackaby points out how important our choices are for God’s dream to be fulfilled in our lives.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]Life consists of a series of choices. How we respond to those decisions sets the direction of our life. A series of wise choices can take a person far down the road to success. One foolish decision can derail the journey.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author=”Richard Blackaby” link=”” target=”_blank”]Moses suffered for most of his life due to a handful of unwise decisions…. Our life typically progresses the same way. Though we make many small, mundane decisions throughout life, we could likely trace the overall success or failure of our life to only a handful of major decisions.[/blockquote]
Richard Blackaby reminds us that Moses did not make it to the Promised Land because of one instance, one unwise decision. God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come. Moses instead hit the rock. Did water come? Yes. So…was that a successful decision? No. Moses’ unwillingness to follow the Lord’s direction meant he would never see the land God had promised.
So, back to that dream. God promised a new land for His people. He kept His promise. The dream of the Israelites was fulfilled, even though Moses and a generation of Israelites would not see it.
What about your dream? If it is from the Lord, He will be faithful. Your part and mine is to be obedient to the Lord’s leading in our lives, in matters large and (seemingly) small. Blackaby concludes,
“Our life has a context. We do not walk with God in a vacuum. While we wish we could serve God under ideal conditions, life rarely affords such a luxury…. We can either grow discouraged by the difficulties we face, or we can allow God to guide us through a maze of complex issues and circumstances, so our life becomes an instrument to accomplish His divine purpose.”
The Apostle Paul reminds us of the everlasting faithfulness of our Lord to accomplish His will in you and through you.
[blockquote author=”Philippians 1:6 NASB” link=”” target=”_blank”]For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.[/blockquote]
Hold on to God’s dream, and faithfully serve Him daily, even in the mundane things of life. The writer of Hebrews put it this way:
[blockquote author=”Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.[/blockquote]
Your dream may be just around the corner.
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