I heard the other day of a U.S. fighter jet that shot itself down. True. Here’s how it happened.
A number of years ago a test pilot was flying an F-11F Tiger jet to test its capabilities at supersonic flight. It was outfitted with weapons, including four cannons. In the test flight, pilot Tom Attridge took the jet to twenty thousand feet, then dropped to thirteen thousand and fired a burst from the four cannons. He then switched on the afterburners and fired a second volley. Suddenly, Attridge felt the plane shudder, and saw that both the canopy and one of the engines had been damaged, as if hit by enemy fire.
Attridge tried to get the crippled jet back to the base but crashed just short of the runway. Thankfully he survived, but the multi-million-dollar plane was destroyed. When they examined the pieces and looked at the damage, the engineers determined that the plane had flown into its own weapon projectiles. He had shot his own plane down!
A pastor friend was telling that story the other day and shared some interesting thoughts from a book, The Strength You Need, by Robert J. Morgan. Some of it may apply to you as you hurry to run a ministry, lead others, care for your family, and serve in other capacities.
Like the jet that shot itself down, you may be moving too fast. You may be your own worst enemy by causing yourself to be exhausted from all the busy activity you have taken on. There are some signs that that is happening in your life.
First, you don’t have time for God’s Word. You don’t spend quality time reading the Bible to see what the Lord has for you. And believe me, God has a specific word for you.
Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.
Romans 15:4 NLT
Second, you don’t have time for quality prayer time with the Lord. Quick prayers are okay if they are from a person who also spends quality time…extended time…in prayer. But if that quick prayer is all the time you have, then you may be moving too fast. How do you think the disciples felt when they heard Jesus say, “Can’t you stick it out with me a single hour? Stay alert; be in prayer so you don’t wander into temptation without even knowing you’re in danger.” (Matthew 26:40, 41 MSG)
Third, your church attendance begins to fall off. You allow other things to get in the way of being with other believers in corporate worship. There is a reason the writer of Hebrews admonished his fellow believers:
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:25 NLT
Fourth, you don’t us the spiritual gifts you have been given. As we mentioned recently, the Apostle Paul urged young Timothy to use the gift he had received. Each of us has a spiritual gift that the Lord has given us. It is to be a compliment to others in the fellowship of believers, and when you aren’t exercising it, the body isn’t functioning as God intended.
The scripture that often haunts me… “Be still and know that I am God.” In my busyness, in the rapid pace of life, as I think I must run from here to there and back again just to keep the ministry plates spinning, the Lord says, “Slow down. Relax. Renew your trust in Me in every area of your life.”
And though the Lord doesn’t say it in so many words…be careful that you don’t shoot yourself down by flying too fast.
God’s best…
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