Most of us have heroes. When we are young, we often zero in on sports stars or other prominent people. I’m old enough to have had Yankee baseball great Mickey Mantle as a hero. Not for his lifestyle but for his baseball ability.
Today, people choose heroes for different reasons: their fame, their skills on the court, gridiron, or pitch, maybe their wealth, or their business skills. Many times, our heroes are just good people. We admire their spirit, their joy in life, their confidence, and their love for the Lord.
Let me turn this around. Whose hero are you? Kind of a scary thought, isn’t it? That someone is watching us and wanting to be like us. As a leader chosen by the Lord to lead others, God has placed in your life the skills and attributes needed for that task. And others see that in you.
You may think that whatever they see is only a small thing. God can do much with a “small thing.” A. W. Tozer said:
“My flame may be small, but it is real.” When reading those words, leadership mentor Fred Smith noted, “A small flame can start a real fire better than a large neon sign.”
That flame in you can be powerful when you allow the Lord to use it to influence others.
The Apostle Paul was probably something of a hero to young Timothy. And Paul took his role as a mentor seriously. He told Timothy not to let his young age be a problem for himself or anyone else. People were looking to Timothy, and Paul told him:
Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 NLT
In other words, be all that God designed you to be, and that “small” flame will bring amazing results in the lives of others.
Leadership expert John Maxwell talked about the influence leaders can have. And one of his key points is that an influencer connects with people. But the leader should be the one taking the initiative. Maxwell writes:
“For some reason, people in authority assume those below them are responsible for initiating contact. Their mindset is that ‘I’m the leader; others should come to me.’ Nothing could be more counterproductive to gaining influence.”
If you feel your flame of influence is small, don’t despair. Let God’s Holy Spirit fan that flame while you remain faithful to Him in all you do. Step up and step out. The Lord can use a hero like you.
God’s best,
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