I recently came across a simple song by Marvin Winans. You may recognize his name as the father of the famous Winan family of singers…CeCe and BeBe and eight others. This pastor and gospel singer talked of seeing a fight break out at a bar he passed by on his way from church. Under conviction, he penned the message:
Who’s gonna tell them Jesus loves them
Who’s gonna tell them there’s a better way
Who’s gonna warn them of the things coming on them
So God can turn their nights to day
I listened as Winans and the singers repeated the little chorus again and again. Then it shifted:
I’m gonna tell them Jesus loves them
I’m gonna tell them there’s a better way
That simple shift of focus is monumental. It’s one thing to ask, “Who?” and quite another thing to respond, “I will be the one to warn them, to tell them.”
I needed that. I sometimes think what I do in Christian communications is all I need to do. Helping others share God’s hope. That’s good…but it can’t be all I do.
Jesus didn’t just talk about healing people. He healed them. He didn’t just tell others of God’s path that leads to eternal life. He walked the path…right to the Cross.
Though Jesus’ disciples stumbled a few times, they ultimately “walked the talk” even to the point of their death.
At MEDIAlliance we are privileged to serve with some of the Lord’s most amazing servants. They build ministries, grow their media reach, and guide dedicated staff. Is that enough?
I think God calls each of us to be a personal witness of the Lord’s love and saving power. Is it sometimes uncomfortable? Sometimes awkward? Yes. But we should get beyond that. Jesus did.
As needed, we must answer the call and shift our focus from just asking who is going to tell others, warn others, point others to a better way…to responding from our heart, “I’m gonna tell them Jesus loves them.”
Can I get an amen?
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