You know what I am talking about? Where does that spark, that inspiration, that bit of creativity come from? Have you ever needed a special thought or inspiration for a writing project or a special message or speech? And you come up short. Nothing. Nada. I have been there, and I have experienced that!
I’ve been writing these weekly blogs for ten years. That’s over five hundred articles. Each one required a spark, a thought, that would help a ministry leader better accomplish what God called them (you?) to do. So, where did these inspirations come from, and how do you get there again and again? Especially when the deadline is right before you.
My friend Phil Cooke has written a book on the topic, Ideas on a Deadline: How to Be Creative When the Clock is Ticking. Among the many great insights Phil gives, he says deadlines are really our friend in that they push us to focus all our attention on the need before us…an idea. We need to use that “pressure point” to our advantage.
I keep a mental list of ideas or thoughts that can become the spark for a Monday MEMO or for another project I may be working on. At some point, the best of those ideas makes it to paper for use at a later time. You see, all ideas aren’t winners. Some fade away over time. Phil Cooke says that of one hundred ideas he may have for a project, only two or three are worth pursuing or presenting.
There are some things I do to help me come up with ideas. I focus on quality in all realms. I like to listen to quality music. My favorite symphony is the Saint-Saëns Organ Symphony (#3 in C minor). I have listened to it scores of times because of its musical excellence. A favorite movie is The Book Thief. The cinematography is beautiful. The John Williams movie music score is wonderful and evocative. I love the wildlife photography of Thomas D. Mangelsen. A large photo by this master hangs over the fireplace mantle in our home. And I love to dive into books by outstanding Christian authors like Henry and Richard Blackaby, Oswald Chambers, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and Mark Batterson.
When I have the opportunity, I love to see God’s beautiful creation. A sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico, the beautiful Teton Mountains in Wyoming, and even the vast grasslands of middle America. Beauty that inspires.
Exposing myself to beauty and quality in all forms puts my mind into another gear as I look and listen and analyze their characteristics.
At the same time, I make it a habit to read God’s Word daily. Reading through the Bible using one of the yearly plans is a great way to immerse myself in the Lord’s powerful message. And it is amazing how directly He speaks to me, guided by the Holy Spirit.
This process, along with my six decades in media and ministry, leads to the ideas that emerge on a weekly basis. Sometimes the thoughts come easily. Other times it is more of a struggle. And not all the efforts are in the “best ever” category. But over time I am able to share things I have learned or observed, and I have often been able to directly relate God’s Word to leadership and communication principles. And, yes…many times, it is the pressure of a deadline that squeezes out an idea that emerges as an idea worthy of passing along.
Do you need an idea? Is there a deadline looming? Try these things:
- Immerse yourself in quality literature, movies, music, and productions.
- Take in the beauty right around you, the things God has provided for our pleasure.
- Spend quality time in God’s Word, letting His story become your story, gaining insight along the way for yourself and others.
Paul gave advice to his Philippian friends. He thought it was so important he made it the last thing he told them in his letter:
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8-9 NLT
Try this concept…and see where it leads you as you seek to communicate effectively to others.
God’s best,
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