Those of us who have emerged as leaders, can easily reflect on our accomplishments and see the path that led us to where we are today. If we aren’t careful, we may take too much credit for our leadership role.
The Harvard Business Review (HBR) carried an article that caught my eye.
Ego Is the Enemy of Good Leadership.
In the article, the author used examples of some leaders who woke up to the fact that they were being drawn away from the rest of their team by accepting the accolades and perks of their leadership role. The HBR said, “The higher leaders rise in the ranks, the more they are at risk of ending up in an insulated bubble, losing touch with their colleagues, the culture, and ultimately, their clients.”
One of the more revealing quotes for me was the author’s comment, “An unchecked ego can warp our perspective or twist our values.” That should warn us as leaders to be careful how we view ourselves and our role in an organization or ministry.
When thinking about this, I like what Ken Blanchard says about EGO. In his book Lead Like Jesus Blanchard equates our human ego to an acronym.
EGO = Edging God Out.
That really says it, doesn’t it? When our ego takes over, we claim praise for ourselves that rightly should go to God. We tend to forget that anything we have, think, or do…anything…is a result of God’s grace in our lives. The Lord gives us breath. He brings about circumstances and experiences that help us develop and grow as leaders. And His Spirit provides inspiration to our thoughts. Yet we often simply Edge God Out and let our ego take over. We claim praise that belongs to the Lord and take it as our own. Edging God Out. And that is dangerous.
Through Jeremiah the prophet, the Lord admonishes us:
This is what the Lord says:
“Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom,
or the powerful boast in their power,
or the rich boast in their riches.
But those who wish to boast
should boast in this alone:
that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love
and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Jeremiah 9: 23-24 NLT
Ken Blanchard offers another definition for EGO that we would be wise to embrace.
EGO = Exalt God Only.
That means doing what Jeremiah wrote those thousands of years ago…boast only that we know God and understand and acknowledge that He alone is God…and we aren’t!
So…what will it be for you and your ego? Will you Edge God Out? Or will you, more and more, day by day, Exalt God Only? The decision is yours. The glory belongs to God.
God’s best,
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