Everyone in leadership has had those times. First, a small problem will come. Soon, that is compounded by another one, even bigger than the first. And then these challenges fall like great torrents of rain. Before long, we feel we are drowning, with no life raft in sight.
If you have been in leadership for any time at all, you have no doubt gone through a testing time like this. If you are in Christian ministry, you wonder why you must deal with these overwhelming challenges as you try to share God’s hope with those who need to know Jesus and His love.
I was recently reminded of the time Job questioned God. By human standards, he had every right to challenge his Lord about the disasters he experienced. The loss of his children, his wealth, and his health. And Job’s friends…even Job’s wife…were not much help. His wife told Job, “Curse God and die.” Not a lot of comfort.
Job had an interesting exchange with Almighty God. Listen to his comments about his multiple losses and see if you might also think along these lines as you face your challenges.
If only someone would listen to me!
Look, I will sign my name to my defense.
Let the Almighty answer me.
Let my accuser write out the charges against me.
I would face the accusation proudly.
Job 31:35-36 NLT
Here are some things to note:
- God listened to Job’s complaints and questions.
- God responded to what concerned Job.
- God blessed Job despite his questioning and lack of understanding.
At the same time, the Lord didn’t let Job’s wrong thinking go unchecked. In Job 38, He asked Job penetrating and sobering questions:
- Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
- Where were you when I set the oceans in their place?
- Where were you when I put the constellations of stars in position?
We see things from a narrow and simplistic viewpoint. God knows what He is doing, whether we see it or not. And Job, to his credit, replied to Almighty God in a way that should be our response when we question the Lord and our circumstances.
You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.
Job 42:3 NLT
We need to admit that we don’t understand God’s ways—they are not our ways. Yet we also need to remember that our Lord loves us greatly. After all, He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. What greater love could there be?
Problems? Challenges? They can seem to be overwhelming. But the God who put everything in our world in place is still in charge. He will listen to you. And He will bless you. That is His nature.
God’s best,
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