What gets you excited? What is it that gets your heart beating a bit faster and causes you to focus more intently on what’s before you?
My friend and leadership expert Steve Gutzler shared some thoughts on the importance and value of passion in all we do. Here are some of his points:
- Passion invigorates achievement.
- Passion inspires you from the inside out.
- Passion sustains you during tough times.
- Passion expands you and pushes boundaries.
Paul encouraged those to whom he ministered to be people of passion in their service to the Lord.
Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Romans 12:11 NLT
One leadership ministry described passion this way:
“Passion is the God-given desire that compels us to make a difference in a particular area of life or in a ministry.”
Making a difference. That is what the Lord calls us to do. Make a difference. And the passion for the Lord and what He has for us to do in ministry ought to compel us to give, as Oswald Chambers phrased it, our utmost for His glory.
God-given passion calls us to choose a different path than many might take. Not being complacent or comfortable but pushing forward with passion. Pastor and author Mark Batterson put it bluntly:
“Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.”
What’s your passion? How is it driving you as you lead and serve others?
God’s best,
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