We have all been there. We try. We give it our best effort. We want the best. But when we are finished with our efforts, the results are rather lacking. I remember as a young boy wanting to assemble a small model of a fighter plane from a plastic kit. All the parts were there in the box, along with glue, decals, paint…everything needed to make a realistic replica that looked just like the one on the front of the box. I tried…I really did. After a day or two of labor, I ended up with glue on my fingers, paint on my clothes, and a model that barely resembled reality. It was probably the first and last time I ever tried it.
You may have a similar story from your childhood. While an interesting memory, it hasn’t been a big deal. But what about today? What about the job to which the Lord has called you? What happens when you try…really try…and your best comes up short? What then?
My “read through the Bible” plan took me to Haggai today. This short book is primarily messages that God gave to the people through His prophet Haggai. God told his people it was time to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. He had told them that the reason things weren’t going well in their land is that they were paying more attention to themselves than to their Lord.
[blockquote author=”Haggai 1:9 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses.[/blockquote]
In chapter two, God does an inspection of the rebuilding work, and has another message for the people. Through his prophet, God tells them their work doesn’t measure up.
[blockquote author=”Haggai 2:3 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]Does anyone remember this house—this Temple—in its former splendor? How, in comparison, does it look to you now? It must seem like nothing at all![/blockquote]
I’m sure the people tried to do it right. I don’t doubt they wanted to reap the reward the Lord had offered, to replenish their land and provide bountiful harvests. But their best came up short. Those words must have stung the people.
Judy and I were blessed many years ago when a builder friend said he would build us a home…if we would work with him. I helped to dig the foundation. Judy helped hang wallpaper. We both helped stain the wood and paint the walls. It was hard work but rewarding.
But I remember the day my builder friend took me to look at my painting work on one wall. He pointed to it and said, “This may be your home soon, but you are working for me. Do it over again!” Ouch. I thought I was doing my best. And when my friend showed me the problems, it hurt. Then this master builder, who built million-dollar homes as well as our very humble place, stood by me and showed me the right way.
God did that for his people in Haggai’s day. The Lord told the leaders and the people to be strong. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up or give in.
[blockquote author=”Haggai 2:3-4 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]And now get to work, for I am with you, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised …. So do not be afraid.[/blockquote]
When we labor for the Lord in our own strength, in our own wisdom, we come up short every time. Somehow, we don’t really believe what Jesus said… “Without me you can do nothing!” Yet, when we are serving the Lord and we lean upon Him for direction and strength, He is there. It’s His unchanging promise.
I am with you…My Spirit remains among you.
Now…go and work, labor and build, and see how the Lord Jesus will bless you when you lean upon Him.
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