Remember the old question? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? The possible answers to that question have been debated for years. I have another question for you. If someone never heard your testimony, but watched how you worked, would they know you were a Christian?
We are so success oriented in our world today that we think we are judged by what we attain, our level of success. God is more interested in the process we are going through in our spiritual journey than He is in our level of achievement.
I was watching an interview with Dr. Henry Blackaby about a monthly phone forum he had with top CEOs in the United States. He said several things that caught my attention. Blackaby talked about our character determining the assignment the Lord has for us.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]He (God) is concerned about our character…and He will be developing your character…. He will never give a large assignment to a small character.[/blockquote]
Architect, film producer, and author Raymond Harris has just released another book, Business by Design. It’s based on his study of Jesus’ parables and their application to running a business or running a ministry or nonprofit for that matter. Harris writes that through his study of the parables he has learned who he should be.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]I am to be a person of righteous character who is rich in good deeds, and I am to do the work of Christ on this earth by being His hands and feet.[/blockquote]
There’s that word again. Character. In spite of what we see in politics, in the public marketplace, or even sometimes in the pulpit, character does matter. And in many ways, it is by your godly character that people come to recognize there is something in you that makes you different. It is how you treat others. It is in your genuine love for those around you. And it is evident in your main goal…to please God and not man.
Some might say, “Yeah, but the Christian world isn’t the real world today.” That is exactly right. Raymond Harris underscored that in his book.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]The world’s economy operates only in the physical world into which you were born; you naturally believe it to be the most real. God’s economy operates in the spiritual world that is unseen by your eyes; it calls you into a greater and more enduring reality…a reality that the physical can never provide.[/blockquote]
So, you are in a leadership role. Maybe the head of a business, nonprofit, ministry, or charitable organization. What is your purpose in being in that position? Again, Henry Blackaby has some insight.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]Your position is not so you will be recognized by men, but so that you will be used by God.[/blockquote]
Does the person who does business with you suspect something different about you? What about your staff? Can they see and even experience God’s love flowing through you to them? God wants to use you for His purpose, to accomplish His will in the lives of those around you.
Are you living a life of godly character so that the Lord can give you the next assignment He has for you?
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