What is your legacy? What do people say about you when your name is mentioned? What will be carved on your tombstone?
Fred Smith wanted his tombstone to say, “He Stretched Others.” I like that.
What started me thinking about this topic was an obscure verse in the list of “begats” that often bog us down in our Bible reading and study.
I make it my routine to read through the Bible each year. And some passages are just like slogging through the mud. But when I stick to it, I’m often rewarded with a surprise, a nugget, a nudge from the Lord.
So, a few mornings ago I was in Genesis 36 reading the long list of the descendants of the people, and I came across this:
The descendants of Zibeon were Aiah and Anah. (This is the Anah who discovered the hot springs in the wilderness while he was grazing his father’s donkeys.)
Genesis 36:24 NLT
What is so special about that? Why was it even mentioned? Moses, the writer, wanted to be sure the reader knew which person he was talking about. So, he mentioned Anah was the one who found the hot springs in the wilderness. I can see the readers of that day saying, “Oh, THAT Anah!” And I also suspect they would be thinking of the blessing that hot spring was to them. And maybe there would be a bit of gratitude.
Most of the time, we don’t think of our legacy. We may think of our children or grandchildren and the influence we might have on them. But I believe there is more to it than that. I believe God wants us to be a source of refreshment to those around us so that at some point down the road, people will hear your name and say, “That’s the one who…”
As I have thought about that curious passage, I realized there is a lesson to be learned by us. Here is my take:
- Anah was doing what his father assigned him to do. He was willing to be obedient to his (earthly) father, and in doing that, he built a legacy.
- Anah was willing to do a menial, maybe even boring task, day after day after day. I have to believe that this wasn’t a “plum job” for anyone. But he was willing.
- In the doing of a menial and low-level task, this man discovered something that blessed others. Others could partake of the soothing hot spring waters and be grateful.
How important was that little thing…finding a hot spring in the wilderness? I don’t know… except that God saw to it that under the direction of the Holy Spirit, it was included in God’s Holy Word for us to see and… possibly… learn from.
So… what will people say about you? About me? Are you willing to do what our Father “assigns” us to do, even if it is a rather menial task? If so, there could be a surprise discovery right around the corner.
God’s best,
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