I’m sure it is human nature, a desire to simplify life to a small list of things to do or be. It seems every speaker or leadership expert has a list. I’m thinking of making a list…of everyone who makes lists!
Having said all that, I came across a list by a speaker and author who seems to have a solid perspective. Steve Gutzler has a faith perspective on many of the things he writes and speaks about. At the start of a new year, I thought his “Definite Dozen” was appropriate. I won’t list all 12 of Steve’s things he does each week, but I’ll mention a few that resonated with me. His main point was to develop your own list of things that will help you be all the Lord wants you to be as you serve Him. Here are some of the things on Gutzler’s list, and some of my thoughts on these points.
- Read daily – Along with some recreational reading, be sure to include things that will help you in your professional realm. And, of course, begin with God’s Word. It will set the perspective for everything else.
- Build an inner circle – Gutzler suggests three to five close friends who will inspire, push and support you in all you do. Pick those friends wisely.
- Forgive and move on – This speaks for itself.
- Laugh daily – Life can be hard, and the pressure can build constantly. Find a way to laugh each day. It may be that one of those close friends can provide that kind of input in your life. One of my greatest mentors would call me often and we would spend much of the time laughing. A blessing.
- Think one size bigger – No, this isn’t about your clothes after the holiday feasting! It is about doing your best, and beyond. No small thinking allowed. Think bigger.
- Pray for wisdom – This should be at the top of the list for those of us in ministry leadership. The challenges are great. The days are critical. The time is urgent. The message of hope in Jesus is important. Pray for the Lord’s direction daily…and see where He takes you and your ministry.
- Give – Think more about how you can give…time, talent, treasure…than what you can receive. We know the scripture, but do we live as if we believe it? The writer of Acts gave himself as an example and urged all to follow the words of Jesus.You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35 NLT
So… what would you include in your dozen or so things to do daily…weekly? What would you be like at the end of the year if you made and followed such a list? Remember. Think big! God does.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20 NLT
God’s best…
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