Each January, I pick a new Bible reading plan for the year. This year, I settled on a Bible plan with daily devotions. In one of these, the author mentioned a sermon that he would never forget. The preacher said that the Christian life is always moving between “battle and blessing, and battle and blessing, and battle and blessing, and battle and blessing.” Each battle is followed by a time of blessing.

As you face each battle and trust in God, He is faithful to bring you through the battle and bring you back into a time of blessing. There are times when life feels like one setback after another, but if we look closely, we can see the blessings as well. I can look back over my life to see this pattern, and as I read the Scriptures, I see that pattern in the lives recorded there too, especially in the life of Joseph.

Early in Joseph’s story, we see that Joseph was particularly loved by his father. (Blessing)

Because of their hatred of Joseph, his brothers planned to kill him. At first, they threw Joseph into a well, but when they realized that they could make money from the situation, they sold him into slavery. (Battle)

So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing— and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it.

Genesis 37:23-24 NIV

As a slave, Joseph was purchased by a wealthy man, Potiphar. And Joseph was given favor to take care of everything in Potiphar’s household. (Blessing)

Yet, just when it seemed that things were moving in the right direction, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. When he resisted, Potiphar’s wife lied, and Joseph was thrown into prison. (Battle)

But even in the prison, God blessed Joseph, and the prison guards gave him a position of authority. (Blessing)

Later, after Joseph correctly interpreted the dream of the cupbearer, the cupbearer was restored to his position, yet the cupbearer forgot about Joseph. (Battle)

After two more years of Joseph waiting in prison, Pharaoh had a dream. Joseph interpreted the dream and was made second in command of Egypt. (Blessing)

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command…

Genesis 41:41-43 NIV

I always thought it was sad that in Joseph’s story, the symbol of his father’s love (the robe) was destroyed. But it’s encouraging to see that eventually that robe was replaced by another, the robe of Pharaoh.

If you’re facing a time of blessing right now, praise God. Give Him thanks for the battle you’ve come through. Ask that God will give you strength and grace to walk through upcoming battles in faith.

And if you’re in a time of battle, keep an eye out for God’s blessing, and thank Him for His presence through every trial. Continue to trust and honor God, and He will help you through this challenge.

Kyle Gilbert, Vice President for Communications