It’s amazing how a new delivery platform can quickly move from obscurity to the forefront of the communication process. We have watched things like WhatsApp take off in other parts of the world before being embraced by those in the United States. Twitter. Instagram. And TikTok. The phenomena of TikTok is seen in its exploding popularity. It has been noted as the most downloaded app of 2020.
So, what about podcasting? It’s been around awhile. Is it trending upward? Are people listening? Is it a viable tool for us in ministry?
Paul McDonald, a media strategist at Infinity Concepts, shared some valuable information about the impact of podcasts today. While this is based on studies in the U.S., there may be some insight for all of us in Christian media.
A listening study is cited by Paul that shows podcasting to represent about six percent of all audio listening. That doesn’t sound too impressive. Six years earlier podcasting commanded only two percent of the audio listening experience, so it is growing. Where McDonald’s study gets interesting is when he begins to look at various demographic groups and their listening habits.
“Nearly two-thirds of podcast listeners are younger than 45 years old, and almost 50% are younger than 34. Finally, almost one-fifth of listeners are 21 or under. Nearly two-thirds of Millennials and over half of Gen Zers say they use podcasts to learn about social issues, and nearly two-thirds of both groups feel that audio formats like podcasts are one of the greatest ways to tell stories.”
That last sentence got me thinking. How will we reach the younger generation with the Gospel? Often it is through the stories of the Bible itself. And through the stories of changed lives. My friend Dr. Hannu Haukka and his Great Commission Media Ministry has held massive media campaigns in over 100 major cities of the world. They use many different media platforms to alert people to the hope available to them. The backbone of the evangelistic campaign is a 100-page book produced for each city called “The Power to Change.” The book is filled with stories of lives changed by the power of the Gospel of Christ. Powerful stories. Life changing stories. Stories that might lend themselves to podcasts for further impact and influence, especially of those in the younger demographic.
Though the Apostle Paul didn’t have a podcast, I believe if he were with us today he certainly would. Why? Because he told his friends in Corinth that he was willing to use every possible means so that the hope of Christ might be embraced by many of those who hear.
I have become all things to all people, so that by all means I may save some.
1 Corinthians 9:22 NET
It sounds like Paul was willing to explore every means possible so that people would have the opportunity to hear the Word of God. And with that hearing came the opportunity to accept the gift of salvation. By all means. By every method. By today’s latest technology and trend. Even podcasting.
Paul McDonald concluded his brief report on podcasting this way:
“If you want to become an influencer, especially reaching young minds with a biblical worldview, now is the time to start podcasting.”
So…to podcast or not to podcast? That is the question. And it is one that may have eternal impact on a soul searching for meaning…real meaning… in our challenging world.
God’s best…
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