The tree, the decorations, the lights are going down. The fireworks and celebrations for the New Year are over. Now, for most…it’s back to the “ordinary.”
When people ask me about this wonderful ministry in which God has allowed me to serve, I occasionally answer that, as great as it is, sometimes ministry just seems like work. And it does. Balancing out the great experience I have serving those in Christian media around the globe are days where I just work. Head down. On the computer. Writing. Scheduling. Fundraising. Filing papers. The list goes on.
It is on those days that I need to recall God’s direction from Ecclesiastes that says,
[blockquote author=”Ecclesiasts 9:10a NASB” link=”” target=”_blank”]Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might;[/blockquote]
The “whatever’s” of ministry can be pretty broad…and occasionally boring. Yet they are part of what the Lord has for us to do.
Most if the time, those days of preparation…the day-to-day…the mundane…the ordinary…enable us to enjoy and experience the mountaintop experiences.
By the way, those ordinary days are no less ministry than the exciting days. They are no less a part of what God has for us than when we see His amazing hand moving, with lives being changed and souls being saved.
Eugene Peterson, who is well known for his paraphrase of the Bible, called The Message, also wrote a book on discipleship. I love the name of it.
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction:
Discipleship in an Instant Society.
Our long-term goal of serving the Lord does not change in the midst of the mundane. We are carried through the days of “just work” by the high calling of Christ.
It is the same reason the athlete prepares for years, to reach for the prize at the Olympics or the World Cup. It is the reason the pastor spends untold hours in research and in prayer before stepping into the pulpit. And it is the reason we stay everlastingly at the task, even when we don’t see the immediate gratification that our culture longs for.
[blockquote author=”II Thessalonians 3:13″ link=”” target=”_blank”]But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author=”Galatians 6:9″ link=”” target=”_blank”]Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.[/blockquote]
So…with the promise of God’s Word, the encouragement of His admonition, and the hope of His high calling…hang in there today. It’s all ministry…and it’s all for His good.
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