This intriguing phrase, “the medium is the message,” has been shaping media thought for over 50 years, penned by Canadian communication thinker Marshall McLuhan in 1964. And it has probably confused as many people as it enlightened. In its simplest form the thought is an acknowledgement that messages are not delivered in a vacuum, but rather are impacted by the medium by which they are carried. McLuhan goes a lot farther than that, but it is good to think through this concept as we transmit God’s message.
On a greater level, those who are called to lead others, whether in our ministries, organizations, churches, or simply our families, need to understand a similar principle.
The character of a leader counts.
I know, we see many leaders whose personal character is questionable. If they are leading well it is by God’s abundant grace. But rather than consider these anomalies in leadership, let’s think about the role to which God has called us.
In the book Spiritual Leadership Coaching authors Richard Blackaby and Bob Royall talk about the importance of character for those wanting to lead others and connect them to God’s plan and His heart. Dr. Blackaby talks about the difficulty of actually influencing others in a positive way.
“Most people want to impact others, yet such influence is often elusive…. The sheer number or volume of a person’s words does not determine their power. Even truthful words may fail to inspire change. The most effective coaches are those whose character is consistent with their message.”
That sounds a lot like Marshall McLuhan’s thoughts. The medium…the person wanting to lead others…influences greatly the message. Our ability to lead others spiritually (and in ministry that is ultimately what we are needing to do) is often limited by our own spiritual condition. Dr. Henry Blackaby said, “You cannot take people further spiritually than you have gone yourself.”
So, if you are wanting to give strong, spiritual leadership to those the Lord has entrusted to you…your staff, volunteers, family, friends…there are some things to keep in mind. We know that if we want radio listeners to hear our programming and receive the message we have for them, they must be sure they are tuned in to the correct radio frequency. In the book on spiritual leadership the authors point out that coaches and leaders must be tuned in to God’s frequency in order to hear God’s message and direction. And there are four ways that happens.
- God speaks through the Bible. Coaches and leaders must persistently seek the Person and will of God through His Word.
- God speaks through prayer. However, simply telling God about a need does not necessarily reveal God’s answers. For that, people must stop speaking and tune their spiritual senses to the Lord’s voice.
- God sometimes speaks through life circumstances. Blackaby calls this “connecting the spiritual dots.” We must learn to recognize the Lord’s activity in our ordinary lives. Life is merely a random series of events…until people recognize God’s activity in their circumstances.
- God speaks through the church. Spiritual communities provide valuable wisdom, feedback, and accountability to their participants.
Author Greg Henry Quinn’s thoughts on character ring true:
“Some are blessed with physical and mental facility, but none are more prized than the one who has developed true character.”
Famed American basketball coach John Wooden would agree.
“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”
Paul, writing to the Roman believers, talked about the steps that lead to a person of character.
Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope.
Romans 5:3-4 NET
To sum up the importance of character, here’s what Blackaby and Royall say:
“The key to a coach’s (leader’s) effectiveness is not in their eloquence but their Christ-likeness.”
That is my prayer for you and for me today.
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