Most of the time, we think of our organizations, ministries, and products as existing to solve a problem in the world. We see a need, we jump in to help solve that problem, and it feels good to know that we did our part to help shape a brighter future.

But one book completely changed this perspective for me. It helped me to reframe the way I think of our organization through a better understanding of how stories are told.

According to Building a Story Brand, there’s a formula for every great story:

“A character wants something but has a problem, meets a guide who gives them a plan, and calls them to action which either ends in a success or a failure.”

Think about your day yesterday. The things you accomplished, the time you spent. You can’t help but see yourself at the center of your story because you’re seeing it from your perspective. The same is true of each of our customers.

“Every human being is trying to avoid a tragic ending.” – Building a Story Brand

We make a mistake when we think of our business, ministry, or product as the hero. Instead, we have to learn to see our customers as the hero and our business as the guide. When we position our ministries and organizations to help people face the challenges they’re dealing with in life, we set up our customers for success.

The best brands have figured this out. Watch any Apple commercial. Who is the hero in each commercial? Never the product. They focus very little on their products and instead focus on how the product will help people create, enjoy life, or be cool. They don’t spend a lot of time on the specs. They don’t bog down in the details. They paint a picture of a better life. More time, more freedom, or a sense of meaning or belonging.

Don’t believe me? Watch this.

And yes, people use this approach to sell people on things they don’t need (see any cigarette ad), but when you offer something that really matters, this approach will help people understand that.

To become great marketers, we have to become relentlessly focused on helping our customers succeed and find meaning in life.

Stop trying to be the hero. Become a great guide.

A post from Kyle Gilbert, Vice President for Communication at MEDIAlliance