Gatekeeper. We often hear the term without thinking much about it. In past centuries there were gatekeepers posted at the city gates who allowed only certain people in. The word now has broader application, as the term becomes a metaphor for any person, organization, or computer program that controls information flow.
Parents are gatekeepers. Leaders are gatekeepers.
Now the term is most often used in media, speaking of those who filter information to be sure their media audience receives the appropriate message. Those of us in Christian media play that role for our viewers and listeners. And it is a challenging role.
If you are involved in the decision process for programming, you have a great responsibility. What are you putting on the air or on line? Is the theology of the program, song, or message biblical? Is it edifying? Is it something that builds up the body of Christ… His Church… or does it have a tendency to bring division? Is it just flat wrong?
Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth in her devotional The Quiet Place reminds us of the story of the Trojan Horse that caused the downfall of Troy. You remember the big wooden horse that was filled with Greek soldiers. What seemed like a positive… a gift… became something that brought destruction. And now we call many computer viruses by that name…a Trojan horse.
The Apostle Paul warned the believers in Colossae of such danger.
[blockquote author=”Colossians 2:8 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual power of this world, rather than from Christ.[/blockquote]
Nancy Leigh brings that warning to us today.
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]Spiritual ‘infection’ in a believer or in the church can come through traditions, through friends, through the continual drip of a secular world system that constantly presents to us ‘a different gospel’ (Galatians 1:6). Satan doesn’t care how he deceives you… appealing to your emotions, your intellect, your awe of the impressive… as long as in the end you don’t believe the truth, don’t act on the truth, and don’t spread the truth to others.[/blockquote]
You are a gatekeeper. You have great responsibility. As Nancy Leigh advises…
- Be alert.
- Stay discerning.
- Be teachable.
- Get grounded in God’s Word.
- Stay close to Christ.
Keep on your guard. Others depend on you for credible Truth from the Lord. Stand at the gate and be on the watch!
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