The visiting speaker, Tom Mullins, made a statement that got me thinking. This former coach and now pastor challenged us to see the “champion” in another person…and to call out that champion for Christ and for His service.
In the busyness of leading others, we sometimes miss opportunities to encourage others to be all that God has designed them to be. For Tom Mullins, it was a high school football coach who told him, “You have great potential, but you have to work at it if you want to get to the next level.” And he did, for God’s glory.
I thought about my early high school days. I wasn’t among the cool guys. I didn’t play sports. I didn’t take part in student government. And I wasn’t in the honor societies because of my academic prowess. Nope. Not cool.
But a man who had sung in opera and musicals professionally and who was now producing Broadway musicals in our city asked me to try out for a position. Mel Dacus had agreed to produce a major talent show for young people at the wonderful Casa Mañana theater. It was called “Stairway to the Stars,” which featured amazing talent, some of whom made their way to Broadway, Hollywood, and network television. Mr. Dacus asked me to emcee the production.
I was astounded.
I was nervous. I remember the evening, the lights, the music, the various acts, the audience…and somehow, I made it through my first public effort in being a presenter. For the life of me, I don’t know what Mel Dacus saw in me at that age, but it was a big part of what set the course for all that God has had for me through these decades.
Is there a “champion” around you whom you need to encourage? Is there someone on your team who could go to the next level if someone…like you…would challenge them to step out and step up?
I think of the Apostle Paul and the way he built up young Timothy, giving him assignments that were likely beyond his initial ability to perform. Yet Paul saw a “champion” in Timothy and challenged him to step up for Jesus. In I Timothy chapter 4 Paul calls out the “champion” in his young mentee.
[blockquote author=”I Timothy 4 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]If you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus… (v. 6)
…train yourself to be godly. Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come. (v. 7, 8)
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. (v. 12)
Look around. Who has the Lord placed in your path to be called up to a higher level in service to Jesus? A Champion…just waiting for your challenge.
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