The front wheels on my car were out of alignment. Instead of being parallel to each other, one of them was angled very slightly to the left.
I had noticed the car pulling to the left a bit, sometimes pulling me a bit out of my lane. Normally not a big deal. I could correct as needed.
At times, though, when the winds were blowing strongly, or when it was raining, that small alignment problem became a big problem.
I remember during the days of the space program that there had to be small corrections to the rockets trajectory. If NASA didn’t make those corrections, the space ship could end up millions of miles off course. Big problem.
Are you seeing the application? Is your life in alignment with what God intends for you. Is your ministry tracking along the path the Lord has laid out for you? Is there a need for some small corrections, or a major realignment before your ministry is way off target?
By the way, it would have been rather foolish for me to get upset at the mechanic who pointed out my alignment problem. It was something I needed to hear. A correction I needed to make. God’s Spirit is ready to give each of us that word, to provide his correction as we travel our ministry path.
[blockquote author=”Isaiah 30:21 (NLT)” link=”” target=”_blank”]Your own ears will hear him.
Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,”
whether to the right or to the left. [/blockquote]
Stay on track. Listen for…and make…those needed corrections. You and your ministry will be aligned with God’s purpose and plan, and your ministry will be more effective in sharing the Gospel.
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