My friend Bob Tiede likes to raise questions. Lots of questions. I have quoted him before from his blog and ministry called, Leading with Questions.
In a recent post, Bob posed some questions from Art Rainer, a Vice President at a Baptist seminary. These are excellent questions for all who lead a team of any size.
1. Did I point my team toward the larger vision?
It is the vision that motivates, not the list of tasks that need completing. Team members need to be reminded of the vision, the reason why they push for excellence in their work. Talk about the “why” and you will find more energy and excitement as team members flesh out the “how.”
2. Did I challenge my team to do more than they thought possible?
One of the great joys of leadership is to help team members realize their full potential. Create space for risk-taking. Create space for failures. Appropriately challenge them to be who you know they can be.
3. Did I appropriately critique when needed?
There is a right and wrong way to critique. While many leaders do not enjoy this aspect of their work, it is necessary. To allow errors or actions that hinder the overall team’s success to exist is a mistake. It is a disservice to the individual and to the team.
4. Did I celebrate my team’s successes?
Publicly and privately, recognize when successes occur on your team. Give you leaders room to celebrate with their team members. Try to create an environment where the team feels appreciated for their hard work.
You have a unique role as a leader of your organization. Inspire. Challenge. Critique. Celebrate.
Let me add one more question. Did you thank God for His faithfulness, His vision, His insight, His inspiration? Remember the verse:
[blockquote author=”James 1:17 NKJV” link=”” target=”_blank”]Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.[/blockquote]
No question about it! That is something for which to be grateful.
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