What do you look for in a leader? What are some of the qualities that cause you to want to follow someone? And what qualities do you possess as you lead others?
Our friend Steve Gutzler, a nationally known leadership expert, did a survey recently on the traits of successful leaders. At the head of the list of Steve’s top twenty traits is Honesty/Integrity. Here are the first five of the twenty traits:
- Honesty/Integrity
- Visionary
- Inspiring
- Self-aware
- Caring
Topping the list of leadership qualities for John Maxwell is Character. Maxwell says:
“Character gives rise to discipline and responsibility. It’s the inward character that enables a person to stand firm. Character is not inherited, nor can it be purchased. It cannot be built instantly but instead requires years of construction.”
Gutzler says it boils down to Credibility. When the leader has credibility, those who follow him or her respond in positive ways that benefit the team and the whole organization. In his studies, Gutzler says this is what happens when the leader has built credibility with those on the team. They…
- are proud to tell others about the organization.
- feel strong and empowered with a sense of team spirit.
- see their own personal value as a significant part of the organization’s success.
- feel loyal and committed.
- have a sense of ownership in their own contribution.
Yes, the character of the leader today is critical, yet it is not something that develops overnight. Often the effective leader has come through various trials and struggles and has allowed these challenges to shape him or her in a positive way.
The Apostle Paul talked about the value of personal character when he wrote to the believers in Rome. Today’s leaders encounter problems and trials on an almost daily basis. Yet we can benefit from those challenges and become better leaders. Paul said:
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
Romans 5:3-4 NLT
Recognizing leadership traits in others is one thing. Aspiring to be such an effective leader ourselves is another, and it requires much of us. Yet the rewards are worth the effort.
So… lead on, and let others see the nature of Jesus as a key character trait in you.
God’s best,
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