What does it take to see beyond today? What would you like your organization to look like next year? Does that image of your ministry or organization meet the reality of the culture we are trying to serve?

Have you found yourself asking these questions recently? Good leaders are constantly looking over the horizon to try to see the future. And it’s a tough job. Leaders in Christian ministries also have the responsibility of communicating that vision to their team and those linked to the ministry…those who pray for and support the work.

John Maxwell spelled out the role of a leader as it relates to vision:

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

A group out of Australia did a study of leaders and vision. One of the things they learned about leaders is that they will exhibit a compelling vision that challenges people to work toward a higher standard of excellence. I like that. The group went on to explain what a leader’s vision is:

A vision is a mental model of an ideal future state. It provides a picture of a future that is better than the present, is grounded in values, and advocates change toward some new set of ideals.

Let me throw out a caution. What is your source of this vision? If you are a Christian leader, you need to acknowledge God as the course for your vision. In fact, Henry Blackaby says what we are really seeking should be the Lord’s revelation to us of His plan.

“There is a significant difference between revelation and vision. Vision is something people produce; revelation is something people receive. Leaders can dream up a vision, but they cannot discover God’s will. God must reveal it. The visions that drive spiritual leaders must be derived from God. It is critical for leaders to walk closely with the Father, so they are keenly aware of His revelation and are ready to respond in obedience.”

– Henry Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership

Man’s vision is limited. Not so with God. If we set a vision apart from God’s plan, we are likely to fail. Or, maybe worse, succeed as something that is not pleasing to our Lord. God reassured his prophet Habakkuk that the vision…God’s vision…will succeed in God’s time.

This vision is for a future time.

It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.

If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,

for it will surely take place.

It will not be delayed.

Habakkuk 2:3 NLT

So…to look over the horizon to find a vision is best accomplished by looking into God’s Word and into God’s heart through prayer. Then, when you receive His revelation, you have the assurance of His victory.

Yes…look over the horizon. But first, look to Jesus.

God’s best,