Maybe you have heard that saying before. While it might seem harsh, it does relate to the urgency of these days. As servants of the Lord Jesus, we need to be willing to give strong leadership, or we need to be good followers of those who lead. Or…we need to get out of the way, so as to not impede the impact of the Gospel in the lives of the lost.
In reality, we are all leaders and followers. As Christians we follow the teachings of our Lord, and the examples of other Christian mentors. Yet all of us have those who look to us to be the example…to teach the Truth of God’s Word, whether we do so formally or by our living example. We have family, children, friends, co-workers, that God has placed in our path that we might lead them in His ways.
You may say, “But you don’t understand my past. I can’t be one of God’s leaders.” You are right in one sense. I don’t know all that may be in your past. But you are wrong if you think that disqualifies you from the leadership role the Lord has for you.
You don’t have to look too deeply into the Bible to find some of God’s leaders who had some pretty bad history. There is Moses….who killed an Egyptian, hid him in the sand, and had to flee from his place in the palace to the far side of the wilderness. Yet God had a plan for him to lead the children of Israel.
There is David…a man after God’s own heart. The situation with Bathsheba, the orchestrated murder of her husband…you would think that would take David off the playing field and out of the role of a leader. But God showed mercy, and used David greatly.
Maybe you would look to the Apostle Paul. Saul…a terrorist. He was instrumental in the persecution and even the death of many of God’s faithful believers. In fact, he was on his way to Damascus to persecute more Christ-followers when God stepped in and changed his life. One of God’s faithful leaders to his death.
There is an urgency for the Gospel today. Persecution of Christians has reached new depths. People need hope…God’s hope. They need leaders who will boldly do what God is leading them to do. They need the Gospel. And the good news, of course, is that God supplies all our needs by the power of His Holy Spirit, alive and active in our lives.
What is it God has for you to do for Him? Who are the people who look to you for leadership? Follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. Lead the flock God has given you. Trust in an all-powerful Lord to accomplish through you what He needs for His plan. And be quick to give God the glory. Amen.
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