If you have worked in media, you have probably had THAT dream. There are variations for other professions, I’m sure. But for my days in radio, THAT dream was pretty much the same. A couple of nights ago I had an updated version of THAT dream, but it was basically a repetition of earlier versions, even though I have not worked in radio for 14 years.
In THAT dream, I was in a radio studio ready to start my on-air shift. But some things were missing. I had a person on the phone to interview but I had no prep sheet telling me who it was and what we were to talk about. I looked around the studio thinking I could play some music while I looked for this info sheet, but there was nothing to play. Suddenly the interviewee was on the air with me. Yikes. Who was he? What are we supposed to be talking about?
Then…I heard some other voice coming over the air. I looked at the control board trying to find out where this other sound was coming from. I quickly realized the production engineers had rewired the board and nothing was in the same place as before. I was totally lost.
Mercifully, my dream ended before things got any worse.
I’m not Joseph, interpreting dreams for bakers or cupbearers…but I think I know what this dream was reminding me.
Be prepared!
I remember a TV interview I did many years ago with a congressman in his office. I was ready to ask my couple of questions when he said, “I suppose you want to talk about my new House Bill number…” such and such! I had no idea what he was talking about. And that became painfully obvious to both of us. I walked away thinking I never wanted to be unprepared for something like that again.
So…being prepared. What does that mean? Here are some thoughts.
Mark Cole is the CEO of the John Maxwell companies. He likens being unprepared to being out of position. Like a basketball or football player, being out of position usually leads to bad things happening. Being out of position in work or ministry means losing at negotiations or missing out on ministry opportunities. Cole says the reason for being unprepared is almost always the same thing. Lack of planning.
“A frustrating thing about preparation is that it usually takes much more time than the actual event you prepare for. And the preparation is far less glamorous than the event. Spectacular achievement comes from unspectacular preparation.”
I love that last line.
Spectacular achievement comes from unspectacular preparation.
Automobile pioneer Henry Ford said, “Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.”
From a spiritual standpoint, Jesus talked about being prepared when he told the parable of the ten virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom. Five were prepared with enough oil for their lamps, five were unprepared and were missing when the bridegroom returned (Matthew 25).
How important is it for the Christian to be fully prepared personally, spiritually? Richard Blackaby explains:
“Christians lose many opportunities to experience God’s activity because they have not devoted enough time to their relationship with God. If you have not yet developed the habit of daily prayer and Bible study, why not begin now, so that you will be equipped for whatever life brings?”
Peter urged believers to be prepared to share the hope they have and that the world needs.
And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 NLT
And about THAT radio dream of mine? It is one dream I hope never becomes reality!
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