A group of Christian broadcasters were meeting to discuss how to be more effective in their radio ministries. The group was made up of station managers, program directors and other key leaders of substantial ministries known for proclaiming the Lord’s Truth to our culture. They had been in workshops and heard from colleagues on how to run effective radio ministries.
But one session was different. The speaker was not a broadcaster, but a wise man of God known for revealing spiritual insight in sometimes startling ways. Yet the group was not prepared for his message that day.
Dr. Henry Blackaby, my friend and mentor, stood before these broadcasters and Christian communicators and asked this probing question:
“Are you content to let someone else go into God’s presence and then just tell you what the Lord said?”
The room became very quiet. Blackaby drew upon a passage in Deuteronomy 5 as Moses recounted his experience with God. After reminding the children of Israel of the Lord’s commandments and admonitions, the Israelites responded this way:
Go yourself [Moses] and listen to what the Lord our God says. Then come and tell us everything he tells you, and we will listen and obey. Deuteronomy 5:27 NLT
At one time those wandering Israelites heard the voice of Almighty God speaking from the mountain. Yet they were more concerned for themselves than for what the Lord might say to them. In fact, they were afraid of what might happen if they heard directly from God.
What about you? What if you had been in that room and heard Blackaby pose that question? How would you have responded?
We in Christian broadcasting play programs from great teachers and preachers and play music that has powerful and biblical messages. Are we content to let this be the source of our “word from the Lord?” Do we have an overwhelming desire to hear directly from God on critical matters in our lives and in our culture today? Or are we okay with catching a reflection of the Lord’s words through another?
I’ve recognized for many years as I have taught and led others in Christian media that, if we aren’t careful, we will depend on the mechanics of good production and good broadcasting and completely miss what God wants us to do. I have sometimes said we can be so professional in our organizations that Christ could take His hand off our ministries and we would go right on being “successful.”
To paraphrase Jesus’ words in Mathew 16, “What if a man gains the world world…has a successful ministry…and loses his personal encounter with Me?”
God wants to speak to your heart now. Today. As you lead others, those dear souls He has entrusted to you need someone who has been in the Lord’s presence and has heard His Word.
Brother Lawrence, the 17th century French monk, was a humble lay servant. His wisdom formed the basis of the book The Practice of the Presence of God. That life of his, working in the kitchen and repairing the other monk’s sandals, yet spent in the presence of the Lord he loved and served, has had a profound effect on the lives of countless other servants through the centuries. Brother Lawrence had these words of wisdom that still ring true:
“If I were to be responsible for guiding souls, I would urge everyone to be aware of God’s constant presence, if for no other reason than His presence is a delight to our souls and spirit.”
The questions I ask you are questions I ask myself. Have you been in God’s presence today? Have you sought to hear from Him personally…through His Word…through prayer…through quietness? Or…are you content to let someone else be in the presence of the Lord and just hear of Him and His direction second-hand? Jesus said it simply.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 NLT
By the way…the Lord is actually waiting for that time together. Right now. Really.
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