It’s the start of a new year. For some, it seems like the past year went quickly. For others, it seemed to drag on and on. It is a matter of perspective.
If you are like me, these days are filled with contemplating the past year…the past accomplishments…the past road bumps or challenges…the past personal struggles. I reflect on the circumstances of our MEDIAlliance family around the world. Last year was full of challenges and struggles, for sure. But along the way, the Lord’s hand was evident…guiding, protecting, lifting, encouraging.
Of course, sometimes, the memory of the struggles and challenges overpowers the good things God brought our way. The Psalmist was no doubt reminding himself of the Lord’s goodness despite the rough roads he had to travel:
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest;
even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
Psalm 65:11 NLT
Even King David had to reflect and remember the goodness of the Lord. While he experienced many blessings from God, he could list battle upon battle, challenge upon challenge. He chose to look at the harvest rather than dwell on all it took to bring the harvest to pass.
In Chronicles, we get an almost bullet-point outline of instructions on how to face the new year. Let me lay out one passage that way:
- Search for the Lord and for his strength;
- continually seek him.
- Remember the wonders he has performed,
- his miracles,
- and the rulings he has given…
1 Chronicles 16: 11-12 NLT
Search for the Lord
The great God of the universe wants to spend time with you and me. Let’s pledge to seek Him more, and not let our schedules get too full.
Continually seek Him
Don’t let the busyness of our lives or the little time challenges of our day divert us from seeking the Lord Jesus.
Remember the wonders He has performed
Today might be a good day to look back over the calendar, month by month, and write down all the ways God has blessed and provided. I suspect that once you get started, you’ll find you need more than one small sheet.
From Deuteronomy, we can draw from the same encouragement Moses gave to God’s people centuries ago. It still holds true for us today as we launch into a new year:
“…Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
You can go a long way this new year with that truth and reassurance. Let’s watch and see what our great Lord will do as we confidently…even boldly…serve Him this year.
God’s best,
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