Many of us learned the 23rd Psalm in the King James language. Sometimes, the antiquated words and form get in the way of the passage’s meaning. But other times, there is a lyrical quality that enhances and underscores the beauty and power of the psalm in deep ways.
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” That gives a different emphasis than the New Living Translation’s “He lets me rest in green meadows.” Sometimes, for our good, the Lord “maketh” us to lie down.
This came to my mind recently after returning from my second international trip in about three weeks. I was worn out and dealing with a pesky cough. The only remedy I had was to stay down for a few days. I needed to be refreshed. To be honest, that is not my nature. There is always something more to do, some planning and preparation, some writing, some something on my agenda. But God has something else for me than just “doing.” Scripture reminds us, “…times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah (Acts 19:20 NLT).”
He maketh me to lie down…
The Old Testament makes a big deal of the Sabbath day of rest. The Lord went so far as to tell His people to give the land a time of rest, to be renourished and replenished. Is there a lesson for us in that? God has admonished us to “Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10 NLT).”
From my recent experience, God has given me some new insights and vision for ministry. The Lord has reminded me of the nature of our world and the deep need for us to do as Peter says, to “…set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess (1 Peter 3:15 NET).”
I am reminded that along with the global opportunities we have to reach the unreached who have never heard the Gospel, we need to be aware of those right around us. Family, friends, the waiter at the restaurant, and the person on the airplane next to us. Be ready.
For me, it starts with refreshment. Rest. I should do that on my own before the Lord “maketh” me do it. But I also need to recognize that God is doing this for my good. And…for His great purpose.
God’s best,
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