Did you ever play the child’s game Follow the Leader? One person would be appointed the “leader” and all the other kids lined up behind them. When the game started, the leader would do something…make a move, jump, wiggle their hands…and the “followers” would have to do what the leader did. If they missed it, they were out of the game. A nice game for kids to learn how to follow instructions, concentrate, and exercise motor skills. And it was fun.
All of us are leaders at some level. We may lead a large organization, a small group, or even our family. That leadership role is important. People are watching and following.
And, we are all followers, too. Especially Christ-followers. How are we doing in that activity that is anything but a game? A recent Lead Like Jesus devotional talks about that and the important role we need to play as both leaders and followers:
“We aren’t looking for followers for ourselves; our role is to point people to Jesus as the leader worth following. As we follow Jesus, we invite others to join us on the journey, and we keep pace with them, so they don’t get left behind.”
Someone quipped, “If you want to see if you are a leader, turn around and see if anyone is following.” That’s only partly true. There are many who follow you that you may never see. Young believers may be looking to you to see how to follow Jesus in the everyday activities of life. Some may be looking to you as you go through a major trial to see how you handle it and to see if your faith plays a part during those dark days.
Peter, who knew what it costs to follow Jesus, had strong words of encouragement to those who put their trust in the Lord:
For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.
1 Peter 2:21 NLT
There is a saying in business: Lead, follow, or get out of the way!
Jesus says: “Follow me, lead others to do the same. For that is the way.”
God’s best,
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