Feeling small? Inadequate?Undeserving of anything? I’m going to make a guess that most, if not all, of us have had these feelings at one time or another. We question what abilities we have to offer the Lord. We feel lacking when it comes to giving to God’s causes. We have moments when we feel greatly inadequate for the task the Lord has called us to fulfil.
And sometimes those feelings come on our good days! If you ever feel that way, don’t think you are alone. Some of God’s greatest servants expressed such feelings. I think of Moses who tried to reason God out of using him while talking to a burning bush. “I can’t talk so good.” “Who am I?” (Remember God’s answer? “Who do you think made your tongue?”)
Even the Apostle Paul, a brilliant man by any standard, admitted that he hadn’t “apprehended” it all, or, as Eugene Peterson phrased it in The Message, “I’m not saying that I have this all together….”
And then then there is David, the man after God’s own heart. When it came to providing resources for God’s work, he had questions for the Lord, too.
[blockquote author=”I Chronicles 29:14 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us![/blockquote]
Did you see that? Even in the midst of David’s feelings of unworthiness, he admitted that everything we have is from God. Everything. And we give…whether it is our finances, our time, our talent, our focus…out of the storehouse of resources our Sovereign God has placed in our lives and our hands.
The Lord knows what you have. And if He asks something of you, He knows what you have to draw on. He knows your skills (He gave them to you), how much time you have (He provided that, too), and He knows your bank account, since He is the one who gave you the ability to work to earn a salary, and even opened the door for the job you have. He provides the breath to live, the energy to get up each morning, and the desire to serve Him. It is all God.
My advice? Just serve. Just give. Just expend your time in service to the King. Don’t waste energy being concerned as to how your gifts line up against others. Be faithful, and you will find a faithful Lord who will walk with you and enable you to do His work His way…for His glory.
Who are you? You are exactly who God made you to be… to be part of His plan to reach souls for His kingdom.
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