We were approaching the ruins of ancient Philippi. These extensive ruins have significance on many levels, especially for Christ-followers. I began to read the account from Acts 16.
The Apostle Paul was faithful to the Macedonian call, to leave Asia and cross over to what we now call Europe. God had a purpose and a plan. The first European convert, Lydia, believed Paul’s testimony of the Good News of Christ and gave her life to the Savior.
But Paul and Silas’ bold proclamation of God’s Truth got them into trouble. They were arrested and thrown into jail…even the inner prison. Beginning in Acts 16:25, the next 10 verses give an amazing account. Let me summarize it in bullet points.
- Paul and Silas, in chains, were singing hymns and praising God.
- A massive earthquake shook the jail.
- The cell doors opened and the prisoners’ shackles came loose.
- The jailer though all had escaped, and prepared to kill himself.
- Paul stopped him, saying, “We’re all here. No need to take your life.”
- The jailer fell before Paul, crying, “What must I do to be saved?”
- The jailer took Paul and Silas to his home and washed the wounds of his new friends.
- A meal was prepared for Paul and Silas, and they ate.
- The whole household followed the jailer’s example and accepted Jesus as the Christ…and were baptized.
- Paul and Silas returned to their cells.
All this in about eight hours…maybe less. Wow.
I got to thinking.
- Is God any less powerful today?
- Does He have any less desire for eternal change in lives?
- Can He still do the dramatic…the miraculous?
What could the Lord do in your life and ministry…in mine…in eight hours?
Look at the story again. I believe the key is how Paul and Silas responded to adversity and persecution.
[blockquote author=”Acts 16:24b-25 (NLT)” link=”” target=”_blank”]…the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.[/blockquote]
Praising God. Singing hymns. Witnessing to others of the greatness of God. Not wringing their hands, or demanding their release. Rejoicing, letting the Holy Spirit do His work.
Back to the question.
What could God do through you in eight hours…or eight days…or eight months? It might start with persecution. But it can end with miraculous victory…for God’s glory. For God’s purpose.
Are you ready to sing?
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