Some radio stations have been known to put a picture of someone in their studio or even on the audio console. It might be a female, around 35 years old. They may even give her a name. Alice. Or Jane. Do you know who that person might be?
The picture they post in their studio represents the target person they want to reach with their programming. It is a reminder that they are not just broadcasting, playing music, sending commercials, and giving weather reports to anyone. They are reaching individuals. And they are reminding their announce staff that when they are on the air, they need to talk to that one person. Alice. Or whatever name they assign.
That’s a great reminder for us in media ministry that we are not just sending things out, we are trying to connect, to communicate, with our audience. The Greek philosopher Aristotle centuries ago told us there is no communication unless there is a receiver of the information sent. Talking isn’t communicating. Connecting when we present is critical when we talk to others, both personally and through various media tools.
That’s the way Jesus communicated. When the Lord started one of his parables, “A farmer went out to plant some seeds….” He was talking to people who fully understood the sowing and reaping process. When Jesus talked to the woman at the well, he didn’t talk about planting seeds, He spoke of water. The Lord understood his “audience” and spoke words that connected with them, so He could deliver a powerful, eternal truth.
When you write copy for a social media post, how do you picture your audience? Could you narrow it down to a person, a face, maybe even a name? When you present on the radio, TV, or on podcasts, are you thinking of the individuals who will be your audience? Do you picture them?
In your daily life, do you talk to a seven-year-old the same way you would talk to someone your age? Would you use the same words? We have to think in terms of our audience and how we can best connect with them if we are going to be effective in delivering life-changing truth from God’s Word. It’s more than just building an audience. It is critical that people hear and understand biblical truth. And you are God’s agent to proclaim it.
So… whose face do you see as you deliver your message today?
God’s best…
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