Man touching the back of another man affirmingLeadership expert John Maxwell says, “Few things build a person up like affirmation.” In fact, Maxwell goes on to point out that the dictionary says the word affirmation comes from ad firma, which means to make firm. And Maxwell adds that when you affirm people, you are making firm within them the things you see about them.

In his book, The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Dr. Gary Chapman says that the number one thing employees want most for their work is…you guessed it…appreciation. If they don’t feel appreciated, a series of things may happen.

  • There is a lack of connection with others and with the mission.
  • Discouragement sets in.
  • Complaints begin…about their work, their colleagues, their supervisors.
  • The employee begins to think about leaving.

That’s not a path for success…for them or for the organization.

Through extensive research, Chapman, along with co-author Paul White, came to understand the critical value of appreciation if a business or ministry is to fulfill its goals and its mission.

As a leader, you can build up your team or erode their foundation. Words or acts of affirmation have great power. But it isn’t as simple as just patting someone on the back and saying, “Great job.” The leader needs to be specific in the commendation. And, not everyone responds to the same affirmation “language.” Chapman lists these five ways to affirm.

1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Acts of service
4. Tangible gifts
5. Physical touch

While we can’t get into all the details of learning what each employee’s affirmation language is, it is well worth the study so that you can build up your staff, your team. As John Maxwell says, “Do that often enough, and the belief that solidifies within them will become stronger than the doubts they have about themselves.”

The Apostle Paul used words of affirmation often, commending the Christians scattered around his world for very specific things. Often his letters began with words of affirmation, like this to Christ’s followers in Thessalonica:

[blockquote author=”2 Thessalonians 1:3 NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing.[/blockquote]

Affirmation is powerful. Use it to build up others, and to accomplish all the Lord has for you and your team to do for His glory and His purpose.