Leadership. Is it just getting the job done, or is it something else? My desk would get stacked with things to do, and with my head down and my office door closed, I would attack the stack and try to get it all done. I needed help… but didn’t always recognize it. Does that sound familiar to you?
In a recent Lead Like Jesus devotional, I was reminded of the patterns of leadership that our Lord gave us. And I was reminded of how many times I forged on in my own strength, not remembering to look for help…God’s help.
The devotional listed several ways Jesus prepared Himself to be used by His Father to accomplish the task He had been given.
- Jesus became part of His world, the one He was called to save. Do you keep yourself aloof from those you lead? Do you know your staff’s family? Their names? Recent achievements? Do you understand their challenges, both at work and in the rest of their life? How can you lead effectively if you don’t know the people you are leading…really know them?
- He filled His mind with Scripture. Most of us can quote some Scripture, and often it is from passages we learned when we were young. That is why daily time in God’s Word is so important. And memorizing key passages, though increasingly difficult for many of us, is so critical.
- Jesus affirmed again and again His desire to fulfill God’s call in His life. Are you reminding yourself…and others…of the call on your life? I know some leaders who are good, but don’t have a sense of calling. They are not fulfilling all that the Lord would have them be and do.
- He resisted temptation. In our world today there are an increasing number of things that would pull us away from God and would disqualify us for His service. Temptations: in areas of integrity, fidelity and character. Remember the words of the old hymn, “Yield not to temptation/for yielding is sin….””
- Jesus spent valuable time reconnecting with His Father. I could go on and on about the need for more time in prayer, listening to my Father rather than just giving Him my list of needs. I still need that. I need it more each day. And I must fight to claim that valuable time with God. It is worth every battle.
- He surrounded Himself with a spiritual support community. Who prays for you? Who do you turn to when you have a heavy burden? Are you surrounded by those who feed you spiritually or by those who drain you? Your pastor, spiritual mentor, spouse, or close spiritual friend…these are the ones who will build you up spiritually and help you be who the Lord has called you to be. They will help you accomplish all God has before you to do.
Timothy used the analogy of vessels. Some are expensive and used for special occasions. Others are common and are used for the menial things of the day. Through Timothy the Lord is saying, stay clean and prepared for His special assignment.
If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.
2 Timothy 2:21 NLT
We are talking about spiritual habits that we can develop so we can better serve our Lord and lead those He has placed in our care.
What are you doing to prepare yourself for His call in your life?
God’s best…
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