To say the least, I was shocked! I was in my late 20’s and had just begun as Minister of Music at my home church. It was a large one by that day’s standards, and I was already feeling a bit inadequate. I knew I lacked all the experience needed to lead the large music program of the church.
That’s when the pastor’s wife pulled me aside and shocked me with these words. “Any staff member worth his ‘salt’ will earn his salary by the new people he draws to the church.” I was speechless. I had no clever comment. Nothing. But I sure thought about her words. And I have thought about them for years after that encounter. And I came to a conclusion.
She was absolutely right!
Through the years, I’ve interviewed many folks for ministry. Some have told me, “I don’t want to raise my own salary with fundraising.” I usually respond with a variation of what I was told those many years ago. You see, everyone should realize that what they do relates directly with what they make. In essence, they are “raising” their own salary. The impact of their work makes a difference for good or for bad for the ministry, organization, or company.
And that’s true whether it’s a non-profit or a for-profit.
The bookkeeper should earn their salary by the quality of the job they do. The same is true for the graphic artist, the editor, the janitor, or the managing director. The organization should benefit financially by what you do. The head of the ministry or the CEO of a business should raise their own salary by how they do their job.
Yes, there are times we may struggle financially. It’s a good time to make sure we are doing all we should do, and that we are doing it with the right spirit and heart. There are also times we are blessed financially with abundance. We should, with grateful hearts, show our thanks to God by serving Him with our whole heart.
Remember the words of Jesus:
[blockquote author=”Matthew 5:16 NASB” link=”” target=”_blank”]Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.[/blockquote]
Are you raising your salary? Are you a workman (or workwoman) worthy of your hire?
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