At the MEDIAlliance Summit a few months ago, Dr. O. S. Hawkins talked to the global media leaders about being a VIP…a very influential person. We learned that all of us have an opportunity to influence others. But how do we do that?
John Maxwell writes in the Maxwell Leadership Bible about influence, using the life of Samuel as an example and pattern for us. It’s based on an account of Samuel’s leadership found in 1 Samuel 7:1-17. Maxwell points out three characteristics in the prophet Samuel’s life, and shows how Samuel effectively influenced people for the Lord.
Here are the traits:
1. Competence – Samuel listened for God’s voice. Of course, this he learned at a very early age as he served Eli in the temple. Because of this relationship with the Lord, he could discern the future, and wisely knew what the people should do. The people saw this and listened to the prophet.
2. Character – Unlike his predecessor Eli, Samuel exhibited great integrity and honesty in every area of his life. They considered Samuel utterly trustworthy, and knew he had the people’s interest in mind. They depended on him to intercede for them before God.
3. Connection – Samuel knew how to connect with the people. He spoke their language. He showed compassion for their situation. And he brought courage to them and told them what the Lord would have them do.
Maxwell sees this as a formula, a pattern that works today as it did those thousands of years ago.
Competence + Character + Connection = Influence
You are a leader. There are those who look to you for decisions and for direction, both professionally and personally. You have an opportunity to influence these people in the ways of the Lord, so that they might follow His will and lead lives of satisfaction and joy.
Competence. Character. Connection. God has given you all you need to be His agent…His ambassador…His influencer.
[blockquote author=”Psalm 112:1, 9b NLT” link=”” target=”_blank”]
How joyful are those who fear the Lord
and delight in obeying his commands….
… Their good deeds will be remembered forever.
They will have influence and honor.
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