A few years ago I switched from contacts back to wearing glasses. I took my eye doctor’s suggestion to get “progressive” lenses that are blended from near to far vision correction. It was like having three pairs of glasses in one. It took a while to get used to them, but I’m now glad I don’t have to change glasses over and over in order to take in different views.
Leaders need to see things from different viewpoints if they are going to be effective in guiding their organization to achieve its goals. They need a number of different lenses if they are going to see how to clearly lead their ministry, business, or organization. Dr. Richard Blackaby recently wrote on that topic with some great insight on effective leadership. Here are some highlights of the viewpoints that leaders need.
1. 30,000-Foot View
The problem for many of the foot soldiers and lower level managers in an organization is their limited view. They tend to focus exclusively on their department or the specific line items in the budget pertaining to them. They don’t see the big picture….
Leaders must rise above a department, building, or normal routine to see their organization from a higher view. Doing so will help them discern how the various parts are connected. Seeing the big picture helps leaders identify potential dangers and opportunities. Leaders must keep the big picture before them.
2. A Future View
While every job involves adapting to future needs and challenges, some jobs tend to focus on the present.
Warren Bennis once said the difference between managers and leaders is that managers focus on doing things right, while leaders focus on doing the right things.
Leaders who have an eye toward the future know procrastinating could be fatal. Leaders can’t operate based solely on today; they must lead with tomorrow in view.
3. An Organizational View
Leaders are often pressured to act in certain ways.
Obviously, a happy staff may have better morale. But if the company goes broke, the staff morale no longer matters.
Companies have wanted to hold on to their best staff, but they have also had to nurse their shrinking cash reserves. Loyalty to employees is noble, but those employees will face unemployment if the company goes bankrupt. Leaders must have an eye on what’s best for the organization.
4. People View
Organizations do not typically exist merely to provide jobs for employees. Companies are built to make profits for shareholders. Organizations have a mission, and staff are hired to fulfill that mission.
That said, it is impossible to achieve your organization’s purpose if you mistreat people. As a Christian, you are a steward of every life God puts into your care. You are called to love them and treat them in a manner that glorifies God.
Leader’s constantly keep their eye on what’s important, and that usually means people.
5. God’s View
The final viewpoint leaders must nurture is heaven’s view. Does their organization’s conduct glorify God?
… wise leaders understand that they need God’s blessing on their endeavors, so it is crucial that they remain alert to what God is doing in their organization.
…if you ask the wrong question, you’ll get the wrong answer. Rather than asking, “What are you doing?” began asking, “What have you seen God doing from your vantage point in this organization?” That question leads to an entirely different discussion!
If questions are asked about them and their work, they would concentrate on themselves. If God-oriented questions are asked, the staff will focus on Him.
Dr. Blackaby wraps up his thoughts on leadership vision with these comments:
“Leaders must put on at least five different pairs of glasses to see their organization in full. If your organization has been struggling or plateaued or underperforming, perhaps you need to look at it from another angle.” If the Lord has you in a leadership role, He will guide you as you are attentive to His voice in your heart. Leadership is not easy. That’s probably why God told Joshua over and over again,
…be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 NLT
Lead on!
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