Did you ever wonder how you got to a position of leadership? I received a text recently from a lady I have known for all her life. Her father was a mentor and inspiration to me. Her message was that I have been that to her and to her husband. They both are involved in media. I didn’t seek that role…and I’m not sure I really qualify for the position.
Do you every feel that way? Unqualified? Unprepared? Unlikely to be one of God’s leaders?
John Maxwell, in his Maxwell Leadership Bible, lists five reasons why God often chooses unlikely leaders. They are based on Gideon’s leadership, found in Judges 7. You remember how Gideon had assembled a large army to fight the battle. But God had him reduce the number from 32,000 warriors until it was down to just 300. I’m sure the enemy looked at Gideon as a poor leader if all he could gather for the battle was 300 soldiers. If you are feeling inadequate today, maybe this will encourage you.
Why does God choose unlikely leaders?
To catch the attention of the world.
To bring honor to Himself.
To keep the message simple.
To prompt reliance upon Him, not people.
To fill us with His power.
God gave Gideon a great victory, and the Lord received the credit.
You see, in our world today, there is a plan for leaders and leadership. The right school. The right education. The right plan. The right friends. Many are following the world’s plan to become a successful leader. And if they have a level of success, guess who gets the credit?
God’s plan may go counter to all that the world says about leadership. Of course, we can learn leadership skills. We can have the personality that attracts people who are willing to follow. But what if God’s plan is counter to the world’s idea of leadership? Are we willing to follow?
Follow God. Follow His plan. Realize that He has selected you to be His leader, to use His plan, for His victory. For His glory.
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