What’s really important?
Sometimes, we struggle with the day’s To Do list, trying to discern what’s the most crucial thing to do. We either put it at the top of the list or give it an “A” ranking so that we will pay attention to it first. If we are diligent, we go through that exercise every day or a few times each week.
But what about the most essential things in your personal life? Do you sometimes struggle to get those in order? If we are pressed, we will respond that the top three priorities are our faith, our family, and then our work or ministry. But do we live our lives in such a way that others can see those priorities?
Mentor and executive coach Fred Smith came up with three questions to help us probe what should be at the top of our list regarding critical priorities.
At some point in life, we face significant challenges regarding health, finances, relationships, and jobs. Challenges in these critical areas can either distract us from what God has called us to be and to do, or they can serve as a refining fire to help us eliminate the impurities or distractions.
Fred Smith says challenging times can cause us to review in these areas:
- We define the necessities. So much of our time and effort is spent, or we could say, wasted, in the superficialities of life.
- We ask ourselves, “Am I happy with who am I becoming?” It is not something you will decide “someday.” You need clarity in direction and purpose now, or “someday” will never come.
- We think about how we want to be remembered. Trouble makes us think about legacy. What do we want on our tombstone? By the way, Fred Smith received the phrase on his tombstone that he talked about for years. It says, “He stretched others.”
God’s Word is filled with guidance for setting our priorities.
Seek first the kingdom of God… (Matthew 6:33)
Don’t be conformed to this world… (Romans 12:2)
Commit your work to the Lord… (Proverbs 16:3)
Encourage one another and build one another up… (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
What does your list of priorities look like? Better still, what do you want written on your tombstone?
I’ve been thinking about that myself. I think I want carved on that stone what I have claimed as a guide in my life:
He loved God…and loved people.
God’s best,
You can say that again! And again...
Those of us who communicate for a living are sometimes surprised when the message doesn’t get through to our audience. In order to be sure a message is grasped, the old adage in public speaking still holds true:
- Tell the audience what you are going to tell them.
- Tell them.
- Then…tell them what you told them.
That’s true for everyone from students in speech class right on through to the ministry leader or the corporate CEO. What is impressive is how many leaders think they are communicating when they are not.
My friend Don McMinn recently wrote about this in a blog, and he pointed to a study that was done a few years ago. Don quoted a 2002 survey of over one thousand business professionals showing that while 86 percent of their leaders feel they are great communicators, only 17 percent believe their leaders are effective communicators.
In that study, the authors identified four assumptions leaders make that hinder good communication. Leaders think…
- listeners understand what was communicated.
- listeners agree with what was communicated.
- listeners care about what was communicated.
- listeners will take appropriate action.
If number one doesn’t happen, the other points are…well…pointless. People need to know what you are saying and retain that in a memorable way. Maybe that’s why God told Joshua over and over, “Be strong and of good courage” (Joshua 1 KJV). Maybe that’s why the Apostle Paul wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4 KJV).
The other points are valuable to ensure that what you say takes hold with those in your audience. The Bible talks about being doers of the Word, not just hearers. The listener must understand why they should care about what you tell them. In other words, why should it matter to them? And for these points, you may need appropriate feedback from the listener.
You can often read your audience, seeing the intensity of their eyes as you speak, the nodding of their head, the note taking, and other body language tips. To be very sure, it is a good idea to get direct feedback. Asking the listener a question can help you know if you got your point or points across. Asking them their opinion and what they think about what they heard will tell you if they agree with you. Asking them what steps they think they should take as a result of what they heard will start them on the path to being more than a hearer, to be a doer!
Now that I think about this, I should probably have a form for you to fill out with these kinds of questions that you can send back to me. However, I’ll trust you take this to heart so you might be a better communicator and can lead more effectively to accomplish what the Lord has for you in ministry and life.
God’s best,
God’s at work on me...
It happens to me from time to time. I’m rolling along, feeling pretty good about my spiritual life, and the Lord begins to show me things that help me see where I am coming up short. This time it’s my prayer life.
Oh, I pray. Judy and I pray together for family, friends, the day’s challenges, ministry…it can sometimes be a long list. I’ve also learned the value of praying with people right at their point of need. No matter where we are. By the way, I’ve never had anyone turn down an offer to pray for them as they shared needs.
But as God points out things, I am reminded that the Lord wants us to spend time with Him—not just to bring our list of things, but to stay with Him long enough to hear what God has to say to us. I’ve found it is a discipline that I need to exercise in order for it to take hold of me and my prayer time.
I’ve noticed in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah that in the opening verses, this leader prayed three different ways. First, as he learned of the situation in Jerusalem, he spent days in prayer and fasting.
When I heard this, I sat down and wept. In fact, for days I mourned, fasted, and prayed to the God of heaven.
Nehemiah 1:4 NLT
After that period of prayer, Nehemiah followed up with a prayer he verbalized, which is found in Nehemiah 1:5-11.
Some months later, when he was in the presence of the King and was asked what was wrong, Nehemiah breathed a quick prayer to the Lord. This brief prayer was effective because of the longer times spent in prayer previously. A lesson for us all.
E. M. Bounds, who lived over a hundred years ago, was a lawyer, author, and church layman. He is known best for his writings on prayer, such as the book Power Through Prayer. It is said Bounds spent each morning from 4:00 to 7:00 a.m. in prayer. Bounds wrote:
“The men who have most fully illustrated Christ in their characters, and have most powerfully affected the world for Him, have been men who spent so much time with God as to make it a notable feature of their lives.”
Out of his own experience, Bounds gives this instruction:
“Many private prayers must be short, and public prayers, as a rule, should be short and condensed. But in our private communications with God time is a feature essential to its value. Much time spent with God is the secret of all successful praying.”
Bounds, Power Through Prayer
Much time spent with God…
I’m working on that. Will you join me?
God’s best,
Problems or Solutions?
The shepherd boy David saw the problem but chose to move on to the solution. Goliath was a giant in many ways…in his physical size and in his ability to intimidate the Israelite soldiers. David sized up the situation and moved on to a solution for the problem that was before the elite army of Israel. David even shunned the world’s way by refusing the armor offered by the King. (It didn’t fit him anyway!)
David’s solution was based on a life of confidence in his Lord. It wasn’t due to experience. David had never fought a giant before. But David knew His Lord was able to do exceedingly abundantly above all he could hope or imagine. And God did.
Some read the story of David and Goliath and wonder why young David picked up five stones and not just one to fling at the giant. Henry Blackaby offers some insight. “David was prepared for God to grant him victory with the first stone he hurled at the giant or the fifth. David was ready to accept God’s victory, whether it came easily or with much effort.”
So many lessons there for us as we lead and face the day’s battles. First, do we have confidence in God? It might be a good time to take inventory of how the Lord has worked in your life and in your leadership. Have there been amazing times where it was obvious the Lord came through and secured victory? If you think through your experiences, you can probably build a good list of God’s victories in your life.
Since we know the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, we should have the confidence that He is able to save the day and lead us to success in a way that gives God the glory. That is what is obvious in the story of David and Goliath. God is the victor and receives the praise.
And what if stone number one had not worked for David? Would he have thrown down his slingshot and stones, turned and retreated? I don’t think so. He was prepared for a battle, even if it took all five stones.
One leader said, “Bring me options and solutions, not problems.” Leadership coach Bob Biehl says big problems can become teachable moments used to grow your team’s skills. Biehl lays it out this way:
Ask your team members to bring you three optional solutions, with his or her final recommendation and reasons on a single sheet of paper.
The results, says Biehl, is that you develop your team members, and you learn who has great ideas or good judgment. In addition, you save much time by not rehashing the problem but moving on to potential solutions.
Pessimist or optimist? Problems or solutions? I’m so glad that the Lord is a God of solutions. Paul experienced many trials but could tell the Corinthians, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57 NKJV).
Blackaby summed it up nicely:
“Optimists do not ignore the difficulties; they are keenly aware of them. But the knowledge of God’s presence prevents them from becoming discouraged or giving up. It is impossible to stand in the presence of God and be a pessimist!”
Take a fresh look at that problem before you.
And take a fresh look at your Lord, Jesus Christ.
God’s best,
Profile of a leader
What do you look for in a leader? What are some of the qualities that cause you to want to follow someone? And what qualities do you possess as you lead others?
Our friend Steve Gutzler, a nationally known leadership expert, did a survey recently on the traits of successful leaders. At the head of the list of Steve’s top twenty traits is Honesty/Integrity. Here are the first five of the twenty traits:
- Honesty/Integrity
- Visionary
- Inspiring
- Self-aware
- Caring
Topping the list of leadership qualities for John Maxwell is Character. Maxwell says:
“Character gives rise to discipline and responsibility. It’s the inward character that enables a person to stand firm. Character is not inherited, nor can it be purchased. It cannot be built instantly but instead requires years of construction.”
Gutzler says it boils down to Credibility. When the leader has credibility, those who follow him or her respond in positive ways that benefit the team and the whole organization. In his studies, Gutzler says this is what happens when the leader has built credibility with those on the team. They…
- are proud to tell others about the organization.
- feel strong and empowered with a sense of team spirit.
- see their own personal value as a significant part of the organization’s success.
- feel loyal and committed.
- have a sense of ownership in their own contribution.
Yes, the character of the leader today is critical, yet it is not something that develops overnight. Often the effective leader has come through various trials and struggles and has allowed these challenges to shape him or her in a positive way.
The Apostle Paul talked about the value of personal character when he wrote to the believers in Rome. Today’s leaders encounter problems and trials on an almost daily basis. Yet we can benefit from those challenges and become better leaders. Paul said:
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
Romans 5:3-4 NLT
Recognizing leadership traits in others is one thing. Aspiring to be such an effective leader ourselves is another, and it requires much of us. Yet the rewards are worth the effort.
So… lead on, and let others see the nature of Jesus as a key character trait in you.
God’s best,
How do you get to tomorrow?
A rough day. A rough week. Maybe living with ongoing challenges. How do you deal with these situations in life that the Apostle Paul might call “things that so easily beset us?” (Hebrews 12:1 KJV) Things that slow us down. Hold us back as we seek to please our Lord and serve Him faithfully.
Paul’s answer? Cast them off. Like bulky garments that would slow down a runner, Paul says toss those things and run the race. Here’s how Paul puts it:
…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 12:1 NLT
The things you are dealing with, the challenges before you, are real. You don’t just walk away from them or ignore them. You give them to Jesus with the full confidence that He is able to guide you to the right solution and relieve you of the burden that is distracting you right now.
Henry Blackaby says this is not an easy task, yet it is crucial if you are to effectively live and serve the Lord.
“Casting our cares is a choice. It means consciously handing over our anxiety to Christ and allowing Him to carry the weight of our problems. At times this is the most difficult part of trusting God!”
Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God Day by Day
Peter was writing to a group that was under persecution. It was hard for them to know who to trust. And, no doubt, the challenges were building. Peter’s admonition was simple, but not easy:
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 NLT
This is one of my favorite verses. I’ve shared it with people all over the world with this insight from the Lord. The first part of that verse is of no use if the second part isn’t true. You can shovel your worries and cares to someone all day long, but if they don’t care, it is a waste of time. But the power of the verse is in the eternal fact that God cares for you. Not just the “you” of the whole wide world, but YOU. The individual YOU. And since He loves and cares for YOU, you can have the confidence that when you turn your concerns over to such a loving Lord, He will be faithful to take care of them.
What does that mean? How will the Lord take care of your burdens, your problems? Often when we get out from under the weight of the load, we can better assess the situation. We can think of solutions. It is God’s Holy Spirit guiding us to His solution. Remember, He…God…cares for us and for the work to which He has called us.
By the way, Blackaby, in that same devotional, points out another important thing about casting our cares on Jesus.
“God does not differentiate between problems we should handle on our own and God-sized needs. He asks us to turn them all over to Him. One of our greatest errors is to assume we can deal with something ourselves, only to discover that we really can’t.”
So, how do we get to tomorrow? We give God our cares, and we run the race set before us… toward God’s great goal…all for His purpose and His glory.
God’s best,
Routine...or rut?
There is a difference between a routine and a rut. And the biggest difference is in our mind. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over, day after day, can be frustrating. We feel trapped in the sameness of life. Stuck. And sometimes the walls of that rut can seem as tall as Mount Everest.
But a routine is different. Yes, a routine can be doing the same thing over and over, day after day. But a routine can help us stay on track toward the goals of our life. It’s like a runner in a marathon. That person takes one stride after another, thousands of those strides, over and over again, until the finish line is reached and the goal is accomplished.
Judy and I have several routines when it comes to our spiritual lives. We are both early risers and have as a routine reading the Bible as one of the very first things we do. OK...I fix a cup of coffee. But after that it’s to my favorite chair and digging into the Scriptures. Judy does about the same. She is studying in Matthew these mornings and I am on a plan to read through the Bible in a year.
Over the past year I have looked for a passage out of my reading that I can share on social media, along with a picture that I feel helps illustrate the verse. Routine.
At the breakfast table we share a devotional thought. This year we are reading (actually, re-reading) Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God Day by Day. Though we don’t do it every morning, many times that devotion will remind us of an old hymn or Gospel song, so we head to YouTube to see if we can find a good version of that song. It often becomes a sweet worship experience.
In the evening when we can eat dinner at home, we often read another devotional. This time we are reading from a book by Dr. Robert Jeffress of Pathway to Victory and First Baptist Church of Dallas. Robert is both my friend and my pastor. Right now, we are looking into the life of Nehemiah and gleaning leadership principles from Nehemiah’s book and his experiences.
Is that a rut or a positive routine? Well, to be honest, if I didn’t love the Lord and desire to know Him better through His Word, it could quickly become a rut. Thankfully, God has put a desire in my heart that turns this potential rut into a beneficial routine.
Are there days when I don’t feel like going through this routine? Absolutely. But the discipline of the routine...and a glimpse of the goal...keep me at it.
Do we sometimes NOT follow this routine? Yes. But those are the exceptions. I believe our Lord is more interested in honoring our desire to know Him than He is in punishing us each time we fail to follow our routine. The Lord has eternity in view. We often just see the next step. But if we are faithful in the next step, our Lord Jesus will let us see a bit of eternity...even in our daily routine.
God's best...
Where’s the message?
One of my international ministry leaders posted a report with the headline: “More Message in the Media.” It got me thinking about how we program our stations and what we put in our various media feeds. Maybe it’s something for you to ponder, too.
I love seeing what our many Christian media ministries do with their program time. Some are very creative and quite professional. I have always been an advocate of building a relationship with the audience so you can more effectively deliver the message God has given us… a message of hope, reconciliation, grace, and salvation. Our prayer is that all will see a reflection of our Lord in our lives.
As I read that headline, a scripture came to mind. After some significant events in Jesus’ life and ministry, He was teaching his disciples and other followers the value of putting first things first.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
Mark 8:36 ESV
Let me turn that phrase a bit. What does it profit us in Christian media if we gain listeners/viewers, but don’t share God’s Truth? What does it profit us if we have beautiful studios and professional presenters if we don’t clearly present the hope of the world, Jesus? We are forfeiting our position as proclaimers of Truth.
Again, there is value in presenting to the audience things that touch their life…health, finances, emotional well-being. But if they don’t hear that God loves them in spite of their sins, that He wants to provide His comfort in spite of the circumstances, then we have not used the tools the Lord has given us to present the Truth He has shared with us.
When I managed our Dallas Christian radio station, we knew the average commute time in our Dallas-Fort Worth area was 23 minutes. We told our announce staff that within those 23 minutes, we needed a strong spiritual touchpoint. News, weather, traffic, and Christian music were all fine. But we wanted to be sure that the listener was confronted with the Gospel as they listened.
My friend Shane Pruitt often talks about getting to the most important things as we serve in ministry. We talk about the Gospel, but don’t always recognize what the purpose of the Gospel is.
“The goal of the Gospel is not to affirm you, celebrate you, and accept you. The goal of the Gospel is to rescue you, transform you, and redirect you.”
Are there people in your area of influence in Christian media who need to be rescued, transformed, and redirected? Let’s be sure we give them the only thing that makes an eternal difference in our world…the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
God’s best,
What difference does it make?
Are you into your planning for the coming year? I know it is several months away, but the planning starts well before a new year arrives. As leaders, it falls to us to plan for the days ahead…to lead our teams forward to the next event or the next goal.
But as I sit and start to plan for this coming year, I fight the attitude that says, “What difference does it make?” Major events happen and plans get changed…whether we want them to or not. Travel, conferences, flights, meetings, and many other scheduled events sometimes get unscheduled, rescheduled, then unscheduled again and again. Frustrating!
But you must lead…and you must plan. Even if those plans get changed. Yogi Berra was an American icon, a baseball player and a coach. He often messed up the language in trying to say something, so much so that his sayings became known as Yogi-isms. Example: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Or “You can observe a lot by just watching.” Here is a favorite: “Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.” Funny!
Yogi Berra also said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” And Yogi is right!
The old saying is true: If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
In spite of the challenges, you are facing as you look ahead for the ministry, you must plan. Yes, those plans will very likely change. But not all of them. And you will have set most of the course for the ministry. And those who serve with you will have a sense of how the future will shape up.
Management consultant Peter Drucker understood things could change, but he still valued the effort. “Plans are worthless, but planning is invaluable.” There needs to be forward movement in ministry. If not, it becomes stagnant and unproductive. When the team senses that the leader is frustrated and uncertain because of the uncertain days, it makes it much more difficult to see the light ahead.
John Maxwell wrote about leading through frightening times. Among the great insights he shared was this on painting a brighter picture:
When things are frightening, the world seems small and dark; to counteract that, you must paint a picture that’s bigger and brighter. We must point beyond the fear to a brighter day, to remind people of what the Psalmist said: “Nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.” Leaders must communicate to their people the hope on the other side of the fear.
So, even if it is frustrating…even if you have to change the plans again and again…set a good example for your ministry team and plan for the best days ahead. Yes, you may have to sprinkle your plans with the biblical phrase, “If the Lord allows…,” but that’s OK. It is all in His hands.
God’s best,
Who’s in Charge?
Do you ever get that “Esther” feeling? That you were created for “…just such a time as this?” I believe God has a plan for each of us. And to those whom He has called into leadership, our role can be critical. But we need to be careful how we think about ourselves and our leadership.
I love the story of Esther. It is a book filled with wonder, excitement, drama, humor, intrigue, and… most of all…a look at how God positions us for His service. Esther is the central character, and we can learn a lot from looking at her situation.
Today, I want to zero in on one point in Esther’s life, and the wisdom of Mordecai in that critical moment. If you need to refresh yourself about the story, take time to read the whole Old Testament book. It is powerful. The high point for Queen Esther comes in chapter 4. It is a crisis of faith. Mordecai tells her she needs to go in to see the King to expose the plot to kill the Jews. And… Esther is Jewish. Sensing a possible hesitation on her part, listen to what Mordecai tells Esther:
Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die.
Esther 4:13-14 NLT
Yes, Mordecai then goes on to say perhaps Esther has come to the kingdom for such a time as this. But we can zero in on that phrase and let it become a point of pride. “God put me here. I am the one who can lead. I am the critical factor.”
Mordecai was making it clear to Esther that God’s plan was going to work whether she did her part or not. What Esther would miss would be His blessing for her and her family.
Here’s the point. Yes, God has placed you in a strategic position to accomplish an important part of His plan. But you are not the critical element. God is.
Be careful that you don’t quickly move to the “for such a time as this” part of the scripture without understanding that God doesn’t really need you. The Lord is giving you the privilege of serving Him, and God has special blessings for you IF you follow His direction for your life.
Don’t let pride get in between you and God’s plan and purpose for your life. In Jeremiah we read:
…Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power,
or the rich boast in their riches.
But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone:
that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord….
Jeremiah 9:23-24 NLT
Always remember…God is in charge…and has given you an important assignment. Do it with all your heart, and keep your eyes on the One who is over all.
God’s best,