Experienced Leadership

Ron Harris' broadcast experience spans over five decades. And he has worked in partnership projects with Christian broadcasters around the world for ten years. His heart is to see God's message of hope and joy reach into all corners of the world. Christian media is a great tool to work alongside the local churches to reach the lost and disciple believers.
268_IMG_0629A Roma (gypsy) girl is excited to get her own radio tuned to Radio 7 in Tirana, Albania. Through music and teaching, this young soul will learn about what it means to be loved by God, to be saved by His Son, Jesus, and to be led by His Holy Spirit.

Radio 7 partners with ministries and local churches to distribute these radios to the Roma people, that they might have the hope found only in the Lord Jesus, in spite of the circumstances of their lives.
Many of the 1.2 billion people in India feel trapped and imprisoned...bypoverty, the cultural caste system, and spiritual darkness. But evangelical Christian broadcasters are joining forces to be better equiped to proclaim the Good News via television, the Internet, and whatever ways God opens to them.

MEDIAlliance is active in providing training seminars for these media professionals to expand their skills, and in helping these broadcasters come together as an association to have a stronger voice as Christian broadcasters when speaking to legislators, regulators, and the public sector.

Dr. Ron Harris speaks to broadcast professionals at a Christian media conference in Chennai, India.

About Us

The vision of MEDIAlliance Internationalis to help Christian communicators around the world as they use today's tools to bring the Gospel to their culture, that lives would be transformed for Christ Jesus.
Our mission is to train, assist, connect, consult, mentor, and encourage Christian broadcasters and communicators, many serving in places of challenge and difficulty for the cause of Christ and for the Gospel.
236_HaitiHaiti is spiritually one of the darkest places in this hemisphere. Yet God's light is streaming from Christian radio stations in this island nation. Ron Harris was part of a team taking solar powered radios, tuned to the local Christian station, Radio 4VEH, to the Haitian people who need to know Jesus.

This man, living in the darkness of the Haitian jungles amid voodoo worship and witch doctors, gets his spiritual light daily from Christian radio.

Helping Others Touch Lives Through Christian Media

135_Ron_HaitiWe often talk of a "shrinking" world, and in many ways, it is. Technology opens the door for many people around the world to learn and see beyond their borders. Yet for all this, our world is filled with people who have never heard the story of God's love, of a savior who died for their sins, and a Holy Spirit that can walk with them through life's challenges.

Christian media is helping to change that. Technology has opened the door to reach into the most unreached people groups with God's Good News. And the Lord is calling out people from their own culture, their own country, to take that message to those around them.

Often these dedicated servants are doing a great job in using these tools of communication to reach their world. Yet, many times they need additional training, mentoring, and networking to effectively use these powerful tools.

MEDIAlliance International listens to these Christian broadcasters, learning what they need most. Then wedesign the right kind of help, using some of the best Christian broadcasters  to be found anywhere.


Ron Harris visits with students at the
India Media Training in Allahabad, India.

A Gift for Your Financial Support

Would you like to receive the beautiful music CD we recently gave out? I want to make it available to you for a financial gift of any amount to MEDIAlliance inthehand International. This recording, “In the Hands of the Father” includes 15 timeless hymns, such as “I Need Thee Every Hour,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” “Jesus Paid It All,” “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” and many other favorites. There are two original songs written by the artist, Louis Harris. The recording was originally released to commemorate Louis’ 30th anniversary as Minister of Music at Christ Chapel Bible Church, Fort Worth, Texas.

Yes, we have the same last name. I am proud to say that Louis is my brother. And I am grateful to him and to Christ Chapel for allowing MEDIAlliance International bless you and others with this CD.

If you would like to give, click HERE, and you will be taken to a form on our website. We will need your contact information and mailing address to be able to get your CD to you.

Your financial support for MEDIAlliance will help us further the work of Christian broadcasters around the world. Pray about what you might do to assist us in this exciting and critical mission.

MEDIAlliance International

Our ministry has been blessed with the encouragement and support of many people and organizations. Recently we were asked to be with medialliance1 thePremier Designs family as they held their National Rally in Fort Worth, Texas. We told the MEDIAlliance story to many of the 6,700 attendees. In addition, with the help of several of our friends we were able to give out over 2100 CD’s containing beautiful piano medialliance2 arrangements of favorite hymns. Some who received them began to weep as they read the titles of hymns that were favorites of parents and relatives who are now in Heaven. It was a joy to bless so many as we gave thanks for the wonderful support and encourage provided by this great organization. We were just one of scores of ministries impacted by Premier Designs, Inc. They are a blessing.

Prayer Needs and Ministry Opportunities

Christian media experts from the US and India head to Mumbai for the Kingdom Media Conference, September 3-5. As many as 300 attendees are expected to attend the three days of media training in television, church media, social media/Internet, and management. In addition, seminars, plenary sessions and special meetings will be held for pastors, government leaders, and key ministry leaders from across India and other countries.


The Indian Christian Media Association, launched earlier this year, is heading the conference, with support and assistance from many other ministries, including MEDIAlliance International. Please pray for the instructors as they complete their preparations to teach, for those in India who need to attend, for the financial support needed for such an undertaking, and for God to be honored and glorified in all things.

Speaking of media training, another conference will be held for Christian broadcasters in the Balkans region of Eastern Europe. Moody Broadcasting will lead this conference, drawing on their vast experience in radio and related media. MEDIAlliance will be assisting with this conference, to be held November 17-20 in Buziaș, Romania. This conference has drawn around 125 Christian broadcasters from seven or more countries in past years.
globalpartnerGod is doing a great work through dedicated servants throughout the Balkans. As for the India conference, pray for the instructors, organizers, ministry leaders, and other attendees who desire to be effective in their use of media to proclaim Jesus Christ as our hope.

Several years ago we had the privilege in leading a campaign to raise funds to establish the first Christian radio station in Pristina, Kosovo. This is the capital city of that Balkan country that lies between Albania and Serbia. The Kosovo region was the battleground for intense fighting in 1998 and 1999, the culmination of decades of ethnic (and religious) tension. Kosovo is almost totally Muslim.
cosovoRadio 7 Kosovo has had its challenges, having to pull out the equipment at one point to protect it and its staff. It has now relocated studios in Kosovo and continues to broadcast Christian programming and music as a witness in this difficult land. The station is a part of Radio 7 Albania. They are now seeking the funds to fully purchase the studio location, saving thousands of dollars for the ministry. Pray for the financial needs, but also for the safety and effectiveness of the Christian witness that is so desperately needed. This Christian radio station can be a tremendous help to the small evangelical churches in Kosovo.

Many of you have prayed for the Bogeski family in Belgrade, Serbia. Their ministry, ELION Media, has assisted churches and Bible schools for years with video production, translations, and other media materials. Sasko and Ira Bogeski most recently have been recording daily devotions based on the writings of Henry and Richard Blackaby in their book, Experiencing God Day by Day. These are airing on a station in Moldova Noua, Romania, which has a signal that reaches across the border into Serbia.

You may remember that Sasko remains under a legal cloud due to the deathserbia1 of an intruder to their home in May of 2013. There is the potential for murder charges against Sasko, even though all acknowledge he was protecting his family and his home. As of today, there is no resolution to the case, and Sasko cannot leave the Belgrade area.

Judy and I spent a few days with this precious family in June, and rejoiced with them a few weeks serbia2 later as we learned that Ira was expecting, something that they had been praying for as a family for quite some time. We were heartsick to learn this week that the little baby’s heart stopped beating, and had to be delivered stillborn. This is a crushing blow to a family that has been a great witness for the Lord Jesus for years. In their recent email to friends, they expressed faith, even in their deep grief.

"We are trying to go back to normal routine in our lives, while our hearts are crushed, but we deeply believe that God is Sovereign and whatever happens has to be allowed by Him. As we look at the ultrasound photo of our 29 mm baby, whose arms and legs just started forming, we are overwhelmed with emotions and deep pain in our hearts because we didn't have the opportunity to meet this precious baby and be the parents to this little one whom, we believe, was a gift from God."

Please pray for Ira, Sasko, and Abigail as they process this loss, and as they seek the Lord’s direction for their lives and for their future ministry.

Radio 4VEH is the evangelistic voice of Haiti. It has several transmitters and towers over the island nation, primarily in the central and northern portions of the country. It is an amazing witness for Christ in this land that is known primarily for its poor economy, voodoo, and disasters. Yet Haiti is a beautiful country filled with people for whom Christ died on the cross.

haitiWe spent over a week in Haiti a couple of years ago, hiking into the jungle area to worship in a thriving church started around a radio tuned to 4VEH. We went through out the village of Grison Garde to witness and hand out solar powered radios tuned to the various 4VEH frequencies, even giving them to a witch doctor in the village that at one time was almost totally dominated by voodoo worship.

Pray for God’s clear direction as MEDIAlliance works with Radio 4VEH on a potential media training conference for all those in Christian media in Haiti.


Turmoil = Opportunity

We see it again and again. Wars and conflicts break out in a nation, often due to ethnic or religious differences (or both). And at the same time, Christ-followers in those areas see great opportunities to share the hope of the Gospel, found only in Christ. Reports from Ukraine and the Middle East confirm that. Recent books, like The Insanity of God, by Nik Ripken, underscore how faith grows in spite of persecution. We don’t pray for conflict, but we should recognize the great opportunity to utilize the times for God’s purpose. The Lord is not willing that any should perish. (II Peter 3:9) And we should be ready always to share with others the hope that is in us. (I Peter 3:15)


So when I see what is happening in Ukraine, and have been considering a request to come and speak to those in Christian media in that country, what do I do? donbasOf course, first of all I pray…for the situation there, for the believers caught in the conflict, and for what God might have me do to encourage those serving Him in these difficult days. In my heart, this is not a time to shrink back from God’s direction for our ministry. In fact, as I am writing this I recall speaking to a group of Christian broadcasters in Russia a few years ago. God led me to center my message on Hebrews 10:39. We are not of those who shrink back…but of those who have faith….

Of course, they were the ones facing the challenge of more persecution from the Russian authorities. I was getting on a plane in a day or two and returning home. Easy for me to say. Yet the Word of God is the Word of God for all people and for all times.

As of now, I have plans to go to Kiev in November. We will monitor the situation and follow God’s wisdom and direction. And we will pray for the Lord to direct us to encourage those on the front line for the Lord to speak His Truth to their culture, that many may hear and embrace the hope found only in Jesus Christ.

Monday Memo Intro

I wish James had put it another way. Don’t you? In the very opening of his letter to Christ-followers who were scattered all over he says,

[blockquote author="" link="" target="_blank"]Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials.[/blockquote]

When. Not if. I would prefer that James had said, “ Consider life a joy, and IF any trials ever happen to come your way, well…that’s just part of life. This too shall pass.”

Nope. He didn’t say that. Under the Holy Spirit’s direction he said we will surely have trials. Various trials. Sometimes from all directions. And James said, as the J. B. Phillips translation puts it, “…don’t resent them (trials) as intruders, but welcome them as friends!”

I don’t know about you, but that’s hard.

Fred Smith, a wise mentor to many spiritual leaders, once wrote,

[blockquote author="" link="" target="_blank"]Some of us are trying to get away from difficulties. The sailboat needs breezes to move; the human being needs the winds of adversity for motivation. Our valleys test our ability to forget revenge and practice forgiveness.[/blockquote]

Sometimes that is not just hard, it is impossible. Someone wrongs you. Someone hurts your family. Unexpected trials…illness, accidents, death…take their toll. And we are to be happy?

Maybe part of the idea from James is to remind us we cannot live this life on our own. We need to depend on Jesus, His strength, His wisdom, His perseverance to see us through. And when we sense His provision and plan in our lives, even in the midst of hard days, we can be joyful.

Eugene Peterson says it this way in his paraphrase of these verses:

[blockquote author="James 1:2-4 (MSG)" link="" target="_blank"]Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.[/blockquote]

Hang on. Get ready to smile. There is a joy-filled trial just around the corner. Count on it. How will you respond?

Ronald L. Harris


PS...If you know a media ministry leader who would like to receive these Monday MEMO's from MEDIAlliance, please subscribe online here: http://medialliance.cc/prayer-newsletter-signup/

Something Big!

February 2013 MEDIAlliance Newsletter

Before there was a Conan O’Brian, a Jay Leno, or even a Johnny Carson...there was Steve Allen, the original host of The Tonight Show. Along with his quick wit, Allen possessed great musical talent, both as a pianist and a composer. One of his songs became the recognizable theme song for his own TV show. It was called “This Could Be the Start of Something Big.”

I have sensed God doing something in these days that could easily echo that theme. God IS up to something big. Even a casual reading of His Word reminds us of the greatness of our God; the magnitude of His creation, the enormity of His love, and the depth of His sacrifice for all. He is a big God.

It has also been my experience that the Lord’s assignments for us are part of His big plan, and are often overwhelming…apart from His power and His Spirit working in us. I certainly feel that in the launch of our new ministry in this new year. I could easily be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task…were it not for God.

Medialliance International LogoMEDIAlliance International. Interesting mash-up.

Media: A means of communicating
Alliance: A merging of efforts or interests

MEDIAlliance: A merging of efforts and interests to communicate to the world the greatest story…the story of hope and love found only in Jesus Christ.

Message. Media. Mankind. MEDIAlliance

[blockquote author="II Timothy 1:1" link="" target="_blank"]...to further the promise of life in Christ Jesus...[/blockquote]

In early January 2013, MEDIAlliance International was born. After years of connecting and assisting Christian broadcasters through National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), the time was right to form MEDIAlliance, to give even greater focus and flexibility in assisting Christian broadcasters world wide.

The result…a ministry based on almost five decades of broadcast experience and over 10 years of connecting Christian broadcasters and communicators around the globe. MEDIAlliance International is focused on bringing the best in training, mentoring, networking, and encouraging Christian broadcasters.

Ron Harris with a ladyRon Harris with a manRon Harris with a man 2Ron Harris with a man 3Ron Harris with a laday and a manWe assist bold and dedicated communicators who serve in places where evangelical believers are in the vast minority…less than 2% of the population of their country, and often far less than 2%. Some face intimidation, opposition, and real personal danger as they use radio, TV, and the Internet to take God’s Good News to their spiritually needy world.

MEDIAlliance International partners with 12-14 ministries, representing over one million listeners, with broadcast signals that impact potentially over 100 million people with the Gospel. Some partners are established ministries; others are in the early stages of their work. All are intensly committed servants who seek to be more and more effective in changing hearts and lives for Christ.

Current Ministry Work

God has opened doors for ministry work in a wide variety of places. It has been our joy and blessing to come alongside broadcasters in the following locations and help them extend the impact of God’s message.

Albania – Radio 7 Tirana

Albania – Radio 7 Nord
, Shkodra

Albania – Radio Emmanuel, Korce

Bolivia – Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba

France – Gospel Radio
, Paris

Haiti - Radio 4VEH, Cap Hatian

India – Good News Television, Chennai

Indonesia – Radio Dian Mandiri
, Bali

Kosovo – Radio 7
, Pristina

Romania – Alfa Omega Television
, Timasoara

Romania – Radio Voice of the Gospel, Bucharest

Serbia – ELION Media Ministry, Belgrade

Sweden – Hope FM
, Stockholm

Turkey – Radio Shema, Ankara

Sometimes we just check in with the leaders to see how the ministry is doing, and to see what we can do to help. Other times it is to answer questions, give direction and to make connections with US ministries for programming and other needs. Always it is to continue a strong relationship, so all of us get a sense of God’s big enterprise called Christian media.

Praise Reports

Ron Harris is preaching in Russia with a translatorRussia – We’ve just returned from the Association of Christian Broadcasters-Russia Media Forum in Moscow. About 120 Christian broadcasters gathered there to learn, to discuss, and to be inspired in using media to share the Gospel. Several from NRB, including NRB President Frank Wright and NRB Board Chairman Rich Bott were there to encourage and strengthen these faithful servants. The attendees came from the far reaches of Russia and several of the former Soviet countries.

Ron Harris teaching at Media Training Conference in IndiaIndia – Plans are coming together to hold another Media Training Conference in September 2013 in Delhi, India. Last September there were about 100 in attendance at a similar conference, and early indications are that this year’s event will grow dramatically. MEDIAlliance is glad to provide guidance and coordination alongside Ashvin Dhyriam of Good News Television of Chennai.

Albania – Radio 7 in Tirana, Albania, has launched Radio 7 Nord in the northern part of the country. Based in the city of Shkodra, this new station is producing programming to meet local needs, and also carries programming from Radio 7 Tirana.

A foggy weather of a minaret in KosovoKosovo – Amazing things are happening in this country. Though there have been challenges for the operating of Radio 7 Kosovo, God is opening doors for the first Christian television programming ever in this almost totally Muslim country. The media team placing programming on the most popular secular station in the capital city, Pristina, has found favor with the management of the station. Though not believers in Christ, they see great value in Biblical based programs, especially for their children and youth. And programs on the air just a few weeks are already generating amazing response from viewers. One person wrote:

[blockquote author="" link="" target="_blank"]This program is like a medicine for my mind, my body and my spirit. I never knew what could heal me, but now I do. I know I need God in my life.[/blockquote]

Over the next few months we’ll highlight some of the other ministries we are working with, and some of their prayer needs. It is exciting to see how the Lord is moving in other lands.


While I was in Russia I had an unusual opportunity to see God’s hand in the midst of trials…and to see His faithful servants remaining strong. While not directly related to a broadcast ministry, there are some connections. More importantly, it shows the culture of Russia these days.

Holy Trinity Church in MoscowRon Harris preaching at Holy Trinity Church in Moscow with a lady translatorTwo years ago I was invited to bring the message at the Holy Trinity Church in Moscow, pastored by Vasili Romanyuk. There were around 300 at the church, and the believers who worshipped there warmly received me.

Last September, after a long period of disputes with the local authorities that amounted to harassment for this evangelical church, police dressed like workerscame after midnight and bulldozed the church to the ground. It was a devastating blow to the congregation, they are not to be counted out. Since that time they have continued to meet at the site of their former church, to let the neighbors and the authorities that the Lord is above all, and their faith remains strong.

Destroyed church in MoscowOne of my prayers was to be able to stand with them at one of these services. God answered my prayers. Pastor Vasili asked me to bring a message at this outdoor service the Sunday we were in Moscow. I was deeply honored.

The day dawned bright, and the clear night had allowed the temperatures to drop to -15C, about 5 degrees Fahrenheit. When we arrived at the site I was surprised to see about 60 people shoveling a place for the congregation to stand on the snow pack for our service. All ages were represented, from young children to older adults. Some were passing out pizza boxes to open up and stand on as a bit of insulation from the chilling snow pack.

Ron Harris is singing song with Russian believers in MoscowThe Pastor led a prayer, and the singers led us in a song or two, including (in Russian) “Count Your Many Blessings.” The passage the Lord led me to for a brief message was from Job 12:9. In the midst of all the tragedy and trials in Job’s life, he is able to say,

“Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this,”

Job was acknowledging that trials and trouble do come. But God is in it, or allows it, for His purpose. It was a moving time for me to see these people, now without the church they had build with their own hands, nod in agreement that God is in even this.

When I was in the old church, there was a photograph on the pastor's bookshelf  that captured me. I was fearful that it had been lost when the church was destroyed. But I have just received a copy of it, and it graphically shows the depth of the faith of these people in Russia.

A Russian pastor speaking to his congregation during Soviet days at their underground church in the forrestIn this picture you see a pastor speaking to his congregation during Soviet days at their underground church in the forest. The people would wander into to the woods at an appointed time, assemble for church, then wander back to their homes so they would not be stopped by the Russian authorities. The pastor in the picture? He’s the father of Pastor Vasili, who can be seen as a young man in the upper left of the picture behind a tree. His brother, Nickolai, in front of him, is also a pastor today.

I think of the church in America, and I know we have much to learn from our Russian brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that God will continue to use these dynamic believers, even in the difficult days that may come. And I pray we may remain as strong as they when we face the overwhelming trials that may come our way.


The financial support for this ministry comes from folks who want to see lives impacted by the Gospel of Christ around the world, and who recognize the powerful tool that the effective use of media provides. Would you pray about helping us by giving to MEDIAlliance. Call or email me if you would like to support this international work, and would like to know more.

Photo Album for February 2013 MEDIAlliance Newsletter

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New International Ministry Launched

Ron Harris with a black babyThe coming of the new year brings exciting change. Medialliance International has been formed to continue the work of assisting, training, encouraging, and mentoring Christian broadcasters on an international basis.

After four and a half years as Senior Vice President for Strategic Partnerships with National Religious Broadcasters, I have launched this new non-profit organization with the goal of building strong partnerships and to expand this exciting international work. You'll be hearing more about Medialliance in the coming days. We look forward to what God has for us as we help "...further the promise of life in Christ Jesus...." to those around the world.

I am so grateful for National Religious Broadcasters, Dr. Frank Wright, President/CEO, and the entire NRB staff. They have been a tremendous help and great encouragement over these years. With God's guidance and favor, we have seen hundreds of media professionals and students from over 20 countries receive training to be more effective in their impact for the Gospel.In addition, the overall awareness of international opportunities has grown among those in the NRB association. And as a result, the spread of the Gospel through the media has been strengthened.

We are grateful for all that has been accomplished in His name, and look forward to new blessings and opportunities in the days ahead. Your prayers will be additional blessings as we take these new and exciting steps.