What’s so special about Monday?
We call this weekly blog the Monday MEMO. Ever wonder why? Yes, it comes out on Monday. But is it just a nice alliteration. What is so special about Monday?
I was at a high school football game (American
football) on a recent Friday night. There was a bit of rivalry between our hometown team and the one from the next city. The visiting team had beaten our boys three out of the past four years. This year…our hometown team won the game dramatically…55 to 7.
Wow! What happened?
After watching that game, I have a theory. The visiting team had the ball first. On about the second play of the game…in the opening seconds…the ball was snapped over the quarterback’s head resulting in a big loss. One pay later it happened again, and this time it costed points. And that seemed to set the course of the whole game. Early mistakes, early negative yardage, and a whopping loss.
What is so special about Monday?
In management, I’ve found that what happens at the start of the day sets the pattern for the whole day and many times for the whole week. I often told my staff to accomplish one productive thing in the first thirty-minutes of the day. That will set the pattern for the whole day, and often for the whole week.
My hope is that the Monday MEMO helps you start your important week and your important responsibility on a positive note. I pray that the communication and leadership tips, as well as the biblical Truth we share, will help you have a winning week. No fumble or stumble at the start.
And, of course, this isn’t simply to win a game, but to see the Holy Spirit win souls…because an effective ministry team is executing their tasks well, and spreading His Truth.
If Dreams Don’t Come True
One of the hardest things in leadership…indeed, in life…is when our hopes and dreams don’t become reality. That promotion we had hoped to get. That station we wanted to buy. That major financial support that we needed to reach our goal. What do you do then?
These things are disappointments, for sure. But it isn’t the end of the story. My mind quickly goes to Jesus’ disciples who watched their leader die on the cross. Was that what they were hoping would happen? Did they comprehend all that God was doing at that time with those circumstances? Not really.
Matthew Henry is quoted by Chuck Swindoll as writing:
"Where the Providence of God casts us, we should desire and endeavor to be useful; and, when we cannot do the good we would, we must be ready to do the good we can. And he that is faithful in the little shall be entrusted with more.”
That is not an easy lesson to learn. With a godly vision and a pure heart, we set a goal for an event, an activity, an acquisition, and see that goal dissolve before our eyes. Not easy.
I remember a year in church media when we had proposed a big budget increase to grow the impact of the ministry and improve the quality of excellence we felt would honor God and attract people to His message. The authorities over the church budget didn’t see it that way. The proposed budget was not approved. Hope for that important growth dissolved before my eyes.
After dealing with the disappointment, I was led by the Lord to another thought. We had been moving fast in the ministry, doing a lot. And in the process, some basic organizational needs were being overlooked. With my secretary and some volunteers, we determined to use the next year to get better organized. Important files were put in order. Training material and schedules were updated and expanded. We looked for ways to increase the impact of the ministry without spending money.
The following year we saw the church increase our budget. And we saw new opportunities come for us to grow and expand in amazing ways. We needed that prior year. We needed to make sure the foundation of the ministry was strong, and the structure of the organization was solid. Then we could fully utilize the new opportunities God was bringing us.
So if you can’t do all you could or would…do what you can. The Lord may be preparing new things for you IF you are faithful in the “small” things right before you. And besides, someone may be in need of what you can do today. Solomon put it this way.
[blockquote author="Proverbs 3:27 (NLT) " link="" target="_blank"]Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.[/blockquote]
What is it…really?
Leadership. If you didn’t have that many books on the subject, the seminars to attend, and the dictionary definition, how would you describe leadership? What would be the key traits? How can you explain the people who ascend into leadership who have greatly differing styles?
I have observed great leaders who were “do-ers.” They did stuff. They led by action and example. I have seen others who were quiet and contemplative, while their team was busy accomplishing the shared vision. And, I have noticed there are others that, humanly speaking, shouldn’t be leaders. Yet they rise to the occasion, bumping and stumbling along the way, for sure. But they do lead.
I don’t obsess over the elements of leadership. I probably fall into the third category. My high school annual doesn’t have the phrase, “Most likely to succeed,” next to my picture. (Wait…is that how I looked back then?) But I have thought enough, read enough, and observed enough through my 70+ years to come up with some ideas.
My Dad was, for most of his life, blue collar. Though he started as an accountant, for much of Dad’s life he owned a radio and TV repair shop. Blue collar? Yes…because as a kid I often went with Dad as he hauled big TV’s into homes and climbed on top of roofs to install TV antennas. My job was to go into the crawl space under the floor…where spiders, varmints of various types, and probably monsters lived…and pull the cable that connected the antenna to the television. Fun. Dad was a hard worker.
At the same time, each Thursday at noon he would take off the dirty work clothes, put on a suit, fresh shirt, tie, and shined shoes, and go to the most active and prestigious service club in Fort Worth, and lead several hundred men, many of them the movers and shakers of the city, to accomplish many good civic deeds for children and the underprivileged. Because of Dad’s effective leadership, he would be named the regional president, over the clubs from four of five states. A leader.
Let me tell you what I saw in my Dad, and what I see in most of the effective leaders I have known. Two traits, two overwhelming guiding principles.
- Love God.
- Love people.
Wait, you say…what about casting vision and delegating, and the many other things that leaders do? I actually think these things flow out of the two traits above. Where do we get our vision? How do we acquire the needed skills to lead? (Most are found in a study of God’s Word.)
Jesus was quizzed by one of the religious leaders one day. Which is the greatest commandment?
Jesus’ answer was immediate and concise.
[blockquote author="Mark 12:29-31 (NLT)" link="" target="_blank"]The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.[/blockquote]
You can probably make the application yourself. Love God with all your heart, and He will direct your paths as a leader. Love people…your “neighbors” …and you will want the best for them, and want to use them in a way that accomplishes God’s tasks and builds up those around you personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Of course, we can improve our skills. We can learn techniques to be more effective. And we should. But this is secondary to these two key elements if we are to be godly leaders.
God's Direction...Global Impact
I never would have imagined. Fifty years ago when I began my broadcast career, or even 10 years ago when we moved toward international media work. I never would have imagined what God would have in store for me. There is a personal reward of serving in the unique role God has designed for you…and designed you for. There is the blessing of ministry partners…dear friends…whom we can assist and whom we can encourage in the good work they are doing to spread the Gospel in hard places. And there are the people like you who pray for and support this effort so that, like Paul, I can go to serve in other places and not be a burden on God’s dear servants.
Now, the Lord is directing us with a new initiative to complement what we do through MEDIAlliance International. And it came about in as clear a direction from God’s Spirit as I have experienced.
It happened last fall. I was on the campus of Dallas Baptist University touring the new Nation Hall, a building patterned after Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello. It houses the Gary Cook School of Leadership. As I stepped into the beautiful, large conference room, the vision came to me. Bring key Christian media leaders from around the world to a special conference on leadership, media, and spiritual growth. And in just days, the International Media Leadership Summit was born. It will become reality October 8-13, 2016.
The Summit will be hosted by Dallas Baptist University, and held in the very building where God gave me the vision…Nation Hall.
Worldwide Influence
As of this writing, we are nearing our goal of 35 key media leaders registered for this invitation only event. Registrations have been received from all over the world: Turkey, Ukraine, Indonesia, Haiti, Albania, Romania, South Africa, Finland, Sweden, Ghana, India, Serbia, Cyprus, and other countries. The vision is becoming a reality.
Key speakers in leadership, media, and spiritual growth have been assembled for the three-day conference sessions. Other activities and cultural events are planned so that those coming can get to know each other better, and see how God might further use all of us to spread His Truth…the Gospel…to the dark reaches of our globe.
This may well be the most significant event MEDIAlliance Internation has launched...and a very significant gathering of those who, collectively, spread the hope of Christ to millions. They make the Gospel accessible to hundreds of millions within the impact area of their media ministries.
Prayer Needed
May I ask you to pray for this conference and the attendees as they prepare to come? Some are in the process of getting visas to the US. A few have already been denied due to the current climate of our world. I don’t doubt Satan would like to keep all of these people away from anything that could help them be more effective in sharing biblical Truth, and anything that would encourage them to stand strong in the face of opposition.
These past weeks we have seen major changes that will impact Christian broadcasters, some of whom will be at the Summit. One of the Balkan countries is trying to diminish the impact and reach of Christian broadcasters in that Eastern European region. Turkey, after the attempted coup, has closed almost 100 media outlets. The future of Christian broadcasting there is uncertain. Russia’s new law, just enacted days ago, is greatly limiting any evangelical witness. A part of the International Media Leadership Summit will be to discuss how to keep the Gospel’s message of hope alive through today’s powerful technology tools in spite of these new threats to religious freedom.
Your prayers will be a key part in this event. Pray for God to accomplish all He wants to in order to build up and encourage these faithful servants.
Covering the Cost
MEDIAlliance International is covering the cost for the Summit through the generous gifts of people with a heart for the Gospel and for the world. The Summit is not yet fully funded. As of this writing, we need $25,000 to completely cover the budgeted costs of this important event. If you would like to make a contribution to the Summit, you can CLICK HERE to go to a secure site for donations.
Biblical Foundation for Media
I am excited to see what God’s vision is for the use of media to impact our world in these critical days. There is an urgent need for the Gospel. Media is an effective tool to take the seed of God’s Word to people. Think of Jesus’ parable of the sower and the seed found in the Gospels (Mark 4, Luke 8). The farmer needed to get the seed out across a broad area of land. The best way to do this in that day was to take a handful of seed and cast it over the land as he walked. He cast the seed over a broad area.
The same is true today. To get the seed…God’s Truth…out over a vast area, we send it by electronic means, casting it into the air or down the internet. And even though the seed in the parable didn’t all fall on fertile ground, God didn’t condemn the process. He talked of the amazing harvest that was reaped because the seed was broadcast.
- Pray for those casting seed over broad areas where the Gospel is challenged today.
- Pray for an amazing harvest in the Lord’s timing.
- And pray for the International Media Leadership Summit.
Again, if you would help us help those spreading the Seed, go our Donations page to donate to MEDIAlliance International.
Thank you so much for your prayers and any support you can give.
Thoughts on Excellence
A couple of weeks ago we shared some thoughts on leadership. Today…the topic deals with excellence and with life, taken from a little book by Derric Johnson. My hope is that something here will help you as you lead others and strive for excellence. Dr. D. James Kennedy used to say, “Excellence in all things, and all things to God’s glory.” It is a great philosophy.
[blockquote author="Oliver Wendell Holmes" link="" target="_blank"]Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea…never regains its original dimension.[/blockquote]
To see things in a seed…that is vision.
[blockquote author="Sam Walton" link="" target="_blank"]High expectations are the key to everything.[/blockquote]
The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there. One of the greatest enemies that we can ever face in life...is the illusion that there will be more time tomorrow than there is today.
To understand the mind of a person, look at what he has already achieved. To understand the heart of a person, look at what he aspires yet to do.
[blockquote author="Dr. Albert Schweitzer" link="" target="_blank"]I don’t know what your destiny will be…but one thing I know...the only ones among you who will be really happy…are those who will have sought and found how to serve.[/blockquote]
Success can be another form of failure…if we forget what our priorities are.
Excellence can be attained if you…risk more than others think is safe, care more than others is wise, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible.
[blockquote author="Walt Disney" link="" target="_blank"]People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is…you do it by working.[/blockquote]
Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated…you can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.
Never confuse motion with action…and never confuse action with accomplishment.
There is a big difference between nearly right and exactly right.
Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing right things. Excellence is doing right things right.
And from God’s Word:
[blockquote author="Philippians 4:8" link="" target="_blank"]“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” [/blockquote]
[blockquote author="" link="" target="_blank"][/blockquote]
Do you have what you need?
At some point in our annual cycle of ministry we begin to assess what we will need for the coming year. Usually it is part of the budgeting process. What are we lacking? What could help us better accomplish our mission? What is the staff asking for in the way of equipment, facilities, supplies?
That is always a good exercise for us…assess the need, plan for the future, seek the resources to meet that need and grow in our effectiveness and service. Usually the process leads us to prioritize what ends up on our list. What is really needed? What could wait for another time…another year?
I was thinking through this when I read the very familiar 23rd Psalm in the New Living Translation. The first verse stopped me cold.
[blockquote author="Psalm 23:1" link="" target="_blank"]The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. [/blockquote]
David wasn’t’ talking about ministry or organizations or businesses for which we are responsible. He had in mind God’s blessings in his life. Most of the rest of the Psalm is just a listing of what God has done for David that brings him satisfaction. The comfort, the protection, the peace, the direction…all part of the enduring love, grace, and mercy of our Lord.
As I think through these two things…the need to plan and grow in our ministries, and the sufficiency of God for every area of our lives…I wonder if we sometimes get the two areas confused? Do we buy into the thought that we have to have more in our personal lives in order to be happy? I must confess that happens to me. I look around at all the “stuff” I have accumulated. Upgraded mobile phones. Latest software. Things for entertainment or recreation. Stuff.
It isn’t that having this stuff is the problem. It is why we get it that can be our trouble. Do we need it to be fulfilled? Do we rationalize that if we don’t get the latest “thing” we will be left behind? Do we just like new stuff? Maybe, most important, is all this stuff keeping us from enjoying our time with the Lord Jesus?
That Psalm of David is more about the Lord and less about the provisions He supplies. It is more about being satisfied with God than needing things. And it is more about the unrelenting love He shows to those who trust him.
The Apostle Paul reassured the early day Christ-followers at Philippi:
[blockquote author="Philippians 4:19" link="" target="_blank"]And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.[/blockquote]
Thoughts on Leadership
It is good to attend leadership seminars and summits, to read books by experts, and to observe how great leaders influence their team. But sometimes a short quote or thought sticks with us better, helping us to understand the opportunity and responsibility that falls to those in leadership. So…today, here are a few of the quotes I have gleaned from leadership experts.
[blockquote author="Thomas J. Watson " link="" target="_blank"]Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="P. T. Barnum" link="" target="_blank"]Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="John Maxwell" link="" target="_blank"]Leadership is not a right…it is a responsibility.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="Jim Whitaker, first American to summit Mt. Everest " link="" target="_blank"]You never conquer a mountain. Mountains cant be conquered; you conquer yourself…your hopes, your fears.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="Andrew Carnegie" link="" target="_blank"] No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="Margaret Thatcher" link="" target="_blank"]Being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t. [/blockquote]
[blockquote author="Robert Townsend" link="" target="_blank"]How do you recognize a leader? His people consistently turn in superior performances.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="" link="" target="_blank"][/blockquote]
[blockquote author="John Maxwell" link="" target="_blank"]Ability may get you to the top…but it takes character to keep you there.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="John Maxwell" link="" target="_blank"]People tend to stay motivated when they see the importance of the things they are asked to do.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="H. Ross Perot" link="" target="_blank"]If you see a snake, just kill it. Don’t appoint a committee on snakes.[/blockquote]
[blockquote author="D. N. Jackson" link="" target="_blank"]The size of a leader is determined by the depth of his convictions, the height of his ambitions, the breadth of his vision and the reach of his love.[/blockquote]
He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said:
[blockquote author="Mark 9:35 (NLT)" link="" target="_blank"]Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.[/blockquote]
Hope…Strong Yet Fragile
Hope. It is such a powerful word. It is foundational to the Christian life. We sing:
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness….”
Yet hope is fragile, too. Job, in the midst of His despair, revealed how life…and even friends…can erode our hope.
[blockquote author="Job 17:11 (NLT)" link="" target="_blank"]
My days are over.
My hopes have disappeared.
My heart’s desires are broken.
At another point, Job would tell his “friends,”
[blockquote author="Job 14:19 (NLT)" link="" target="_blank"]…as water wears away the stones and floods wash away the soil, so you destroy people’s hope.[/blockquote]
It seems we have the ability to give hope and take it away. As leaders, that ought to make us stop and think. What are we saying to those God has placed in our realm of influence, our co-laborers? Are we giving encouragement or discouragement? Yes, we need to be realistic in our assessment of situations, performance, and actions. But can we do it in a way that gives hope?
My friend Don McMinn, in a recent blog, told of a couple he was counseling who was having major marital issues. They sat at the far ends of the couch, illustrating the anger and hatred they were experiencing. At one point he told them, “You have a toxic relationship.” The couple never came back. The wife said that phrase stuck in their minds. She told Don, “We left with no hope.”
That was a turning point for Don. No hope. McMinn said the lesson for him was, “I must always be a purveyor of hope.”
England faced its darkest days during World War II. Winston Churchill could not just gloss over the problems facing them. Yet, as a leader, he knew he had to give the people hope of some sort. Don McMinn tells of the Prime Minister’s assessment of the situation.
After the fall of France to the Nazis, many in England felt defeated, and a sense of resignation and impending doom hovered over the populace. In a speech given to the British House of Commons, Churchill embraced the gravity of the situation—“The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us”—but he also spoke a message of hope and optimism that promoted a firm resolve and determination in the hearts of his countrymen—“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour".
Someone may walk into your office today, this week, in need of hope. You may be facing a discouraging situation with your ministry. What will you say to yourself? What will you say to encourage others and strengthen them? How will you lead?
[blockquote author="Psalm 39:7 (NLT)" link="" target="_blank"]
Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God![/blockquote]
Freedom…at what price?
Today is Independence Day in the United States. Most will take the day off, have cook-outs, watch baseball games, spend time with family and friends. All good. But there might be more to reflect on, even briefly on this day.
…never to be called a veteran.
I was moved to tears recently as I watched a television special honoring those who have died serving the USA in times of war. It was very emotional, as actors read the first-person accounts of those who had suffered loss due to war. Some were soldiers who watched friends around them die at the hands of the enemy. Others were family members telling of a son who, though understanding the potential of death, served their nation, and never returned…never to be called a veteran.
The Viet Nam era was the time I served in the US Air Force, though far from the battlefield. I have walked the length of the Viet Nam War Memorial Wall that lists the names of those who died in that war…finding the names of friends from church, college, and my Air Force training days. I can’t talk while I am there. Tears flow. These men and women paid a high price. And I am a beneficiary of their sacrifice.
In past years, I have been in other countries as they marked their special days. I’ve seen the old soldiers in their uniforms stand at attention as the parade passed by, mustering a salute to their nation’s flag as it fluttered in the breeze. Moving. Freedom always has a price. Usually, it is the highest price…the ultimate sacrifice. The phrase we often use in remembering those who have secured our freedom with their lives is that they "…gave their last full measure of devotion".
It is easy to take the step into the spiritual realm, isn’t it? An ongoing war with Satan and his evil designs. Christ, the ultimate sacrifice, securing our eternal freedom at great cost. But His death on the cross was not the "…last full measure of devotion". Jesus’ resurrection means He forever lives to secure our freedom, not just in one battle or one war, but for all time and eternity.
[blockquote author="Ephesians 1:7" link="" target="_blank"]He [God] is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.[/blockquote]
We don't shrink back!
The global reports in recent weeks have been disheartening. Sixteen churches burned in a Southeast Asian country. Direct ISIS threats in a Middle Eastern country. And in another challenging area, government agencies informing Christian stations they need to turn in their licenses and apply for fewer and lower power frequencies than they now have.
[blockquote author="Hebrews 10:39 (HCSB)" link="" target="_blank"]But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and obtain life.[/blockquote]
Where 16 churches were burned, seven new Christian radio stations have been started.
Where direct ISIS threats were received, the radio ministry launched another Christian station, and is looking at another one in an area where there is no evangelical witness.
And as government agencies intimidate, bold broadcast ministries are seeking new frequencies to grow the impact of the Gospel…all the while thinking how to maintain ministry if the government carries through with their plan to diminish their opportunities.
I am so thankful and so impressed with the Christian broadcasters whom MEDIAlliance International serves. They face all sorts of obstacles. Satan throws many fiery darts at them to limit their powerful proclamation of the Gospel. While these broadcasters are not perfect, they are bold in their service to the Lord, and they do not draw back from what God has called them to do.
It has been our privilege to connect with, plan with, and encourage these faithful ministries as they use today’s powerful media tools to share God’s Truth and His love. Are they being effective? I can guarantee you that Satan would not be pushing back so hard if they were not making an eternal difference by planting the seed of God’s Truth in the fertile soil of men and women, boys and girls who are looking for hope. MEDIAlliance International will continue to do what God has called us to do…so these faithful servants can stay on the battlefield for the Lord.
What can you do?
First and foremost…pray. Pray for these we mention, and for many others around the world who are literally behind enemy lines bringing light to the darkness. Most of the international Christian broadcasters I see aren’t simply sitting in a studio putting good teaching programs on the air. Of course, that would be a blessing in itself.
These driven disciples of Jesus are out in the communities they serve, helping the widows, the children, the young girls who are targets of human trafficking, providing needed clothing, food, and books to poor Muslim families in forgotten villages, then lining up evangelical churches to continue the aid…all in the name of Jesus.
In other countries, journalists are seeking ways to engage a country in conflict with Truth, and others are fighting against the condemning culture of racism that stirs unrest and diminishes the lives of those for whom Jesus died.
As I write this, I am praying for these dear servants of Christ. As you read this, would you join me in lifting up those who are not “shrinking back,” but who are walking courageously in faith?
International Media Leadership Summit
This fall MEDIAlliance is launching a major initiative for key international media leaders. The International Media Leadership Summit (IMLS) will be hosted by Dallas Baptist University, October 10-12. This invitation only event will see some 35 Christian media leaders come to Dallas for three days of seminars in media, leadership, and spiritual growth. In addition, the group will take part in a number of cultural activities, from Mexican food fiestas to museums to worship experiences.
Thanks to Dallas Baptist University, the international guests will enjoy beautiful facilities, transportation, meals, and worship experiences. DBU is assisting MEDIAlliance with logistical and support help, which is greatly appreciated.
The guests at the IMLS will attend at no cost to them, thanks to MEDIAlliance International and its many supporters, including some key contributors who have made substantial financial gifts for the Summit. Each attendee will receive a scholarship to offset some of the travel expenses as well.
Outstanding speakers, such as Tony Evans, O.S. Hawkins, Phil and Kathleen Cook, Jim Denison, J. Keet Lewis, Bob Lepine, and DBU President Dr. Adam Wright are on the agenda for the conference. Attendees will also worship at First Baptist Church Dallas, and will sit in on the broadcast of First Dallas’ Sunday worship, too.
If you would like to sponsor one of the invited international guests to attend, the cost per individual is $3,000. If you would like to provide scholarship funds for transportation, that amount is $1,000 per person. Other gifts of any amount are welcome. And if the funds received exceed the expenses, those funds will be used for MEDIAlliance International’s ongoing ministry to these and other Christian broadcasters as they take the Gospel to the dark corners of the world.
Excitement is building for the International Media Leadership Summit. Pray for those who need a visa to enter the US. Pray for the finances needed for the IMLS event. Pray for the many logistics that MEDIAlliance will be provide. And pray for an eternal impact as these dynamic media leaders come together for this special event.
September 21-23 is the date for the next Kingdom Media Conference to be held this year in Bangalore, India. The Indian Christian Media Association hosts this event in major cities in India each year, and MEDIAlliance has been honored to provide a number of the media instructors for the training seminars. As in the past, we are expecting some 350 attendees for the training workshops in television, social media/internet, church media, and ministry management.
Pray for the ICMA as they work through the many details for the event, and as they promote it to those in media, Christian ministries, and the church. Pray for the team of US and Indian instructors who will participate in the teaching. Pray for the finances needed to hold such an event. Most of all, pray for India and the need for the Gospel. There are many forces working against Christian churches and ministries as they share God’s Truth in a largely Hindu land.
Albania-Radio Emanuel
Korçë is a quaint town in south central Albania in a region with a growing Muslim influence. For the past 14 years there has been a strong voice for Christ through Radio Emanuel, a Christian radio ministry directed by Tani and Efti Baraku. On my visits to Korçë, I have been impressed by the great ministry work that Radio Emanuel is doing. Their small studios are often filled with young people and children who are producing programming aimed at their own generation. And the ministry, due to its proximity to Macedonia and Greece, produces programs to reach into these cultures.
These days are challenging for Christian broadcasters in this country that was officially atheistic for decades before the fall of Communism. Yet, in spite of the current challenges, Radio Emanuel is taking steps to expand its ministry and its outreach.
One key step is to have adequate facilities to produce many local original programs. The dream of new studios and offices is now becoming a reality. Radio Emanuel is poised to transform the structure seen on the left into a wonderful broadcast and ministry center, right in the heart of Korçë’s city center.
Pray for the ministry as they gather the needed funds, refurbish the building, and outfit it with appropriate broadcast equipment for their ministry needs. And pray that they will overcome all challenges that would try to diminish the voice of the Gospel through Radio Emanuel.
Thank you for your prayers and your support. It is a blessing to serve Christian broadcasters and media professionals who are spreading God's Truth. Your gifts to MEDIAlliance International allow us to come alongside these ministries...at no cost to them...and bring the encouragement and help that strengthens them and their work.
Pray for the International Media Leadership Summit as we continue to finalize plans and programs that will bless and encourage. One broadcaster, who is impacting his culture in spite of Satan's opposition, said his greatest need was for refreshment. Pray that the IMLS can be that place of refreshment and insight for all these international friends and servants who labor courageously for the Lord Jesus.