When leadership gets hard

I call it the “down” side of leadership. Most of us, in whatever leadership role we have, enjoy the good days when everyone seems on your side. All things are humming, and great things are being accomplished. We even get a bit energized when we have to have to deal with the “enemy,” whomever or whatever it is. Many times, that pulls the team together.

But what about the days when you have to go against the grain, against what the rest of the staff thinks or feels? What about when you have to discipline someone for their actions, or worse, when you have to let someone go from the team? Those are not the good days.

Someone once said you don’t learn to sail a boat in calm waters. It is in the storms...the wind and the heavy waves...that you learn the most. If you are facing a major challenge, that is probably not what you want to hear.

My recent walk through Nehemiah’s life and actions reminded me that he faced lots of opposition as a leader. Maybe the most striking to me was after the wall was built, the people
had worshiped the Lord, and Nehemiah had gone back to King Artaxerxes for a while. Upon his return he learned that one of the priests had provided a special room right on the Temple grounds for Tobiah, one of the men who had opposed Nehemiah in the building of the wall. Not a good thing. Here’s how Nehemiah described what happened next.

When I arrived back in Jerusalem, I learned about Eliashib’s evil deed in providing Tobiah with a room in the courtyards of the Temple of God. I became very upset and threw all of Tobiah’s belongings out of the room. Then I demanded that the rooms be purified, and I brought back the articles for God’s Temple, the grain offerings, and the frankincense. Nehemiah 13:7-9 NLT

It doesn’t stop there. Keep reading in Nehemiah 13 and you learn of many other wrongs that this leader had to set back right. I’m sure there were a lot of people very unhappy with Nehemiah and his leadership.

What makes this story stand out to me are three things:

  1. Nehemiah was following God’s plan, not his own
  2. Nehemiah was not doing these things for personal gain or acclaim.
  3. Nehemiah was less concerned about what men said or thought and was more concerned about pleasing the Lord.

Of course, that doesn’t make those kinds of days fun. I’m sure this great leader wished for calm days for himself and for God’s kingdom. But Nehemiah knew what he had to do, and he was willing to sail into the storm to set things right.

Computer scientist and U.S Navy Rear Admiral Grace Hopper once said, “A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.”The smooth, calm waters are not always what leaders get to sail in. As you lead, be sure you know God’s will...through prayer and Bible study. Don’t act out of desire for personal gain. And remember...you are serving God, not man.

Set your sail, leader. With the Lord by your side, you can weather the storm.

It’s important...really important!

Valerie Geller’s recent presentation at our MEDIAlliance Institute was powerful as she shared things that will help communicators...on radio, television, podcasts and more...connect with their audience and be more effective. Most of us have spoken at meetings when we saw by the expression on the faces of the people in the room that we were not getting through. Unfortunately, the media tools we use today rarely give us such immediate feedback.

Geller’s main premise is based on three simple principles.

  • Tell the truth.
  • Make it matter.
  • Never be boring!

Simple, right? Simple to say, not always simple to do.

To be honest, Christian broadcasters have a great advantage. We have the first two items on her short list already taken care of. First, if we are proclaiming God’s Word, it is Truth. Jesus said:

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT

Jesus was not just talking about any truth, though that is how those in the academic world often apply it. He was talking about God’s Truth. And that is what we present to our audiences. The Truth that can set a person free from the bondage of sin and free to live an abundant life as the Lord directs. That is powerful.

And what about Valerie Geller’s point, “Make it matter?” What we deal with in Christian media doesn’t just improve the quality of life for us living in the here and now. The Truth we present has eternal implications. It can change a person’s destiny from death to life, from an eternity separated from God to one enjoying the presence of the Lord Jesus for all time. It matters!

Now the hard part. Never be boring. Geller says if what you are talking about isn’t important to you it will be obvious, and it will be boring to your audience. Sometimes the word “passion” comes into play here. Are you passionate about what you are sharing with others? Often your enthusiasm for a topic will draw in an audience. Likewise, your lack of passion causes listeners and viewers to quickly be bored and lose interest. And whether that is in a conference room, a church, on radio, television, or a podcast, once you lose the interest of the audience communication ceases to take place.

You don’t have to be a stand-up comic to keep the audience’s attention...though sometimes humor can be a great tool to both keep them listening and make your point. You do have to think and communicate creatively. And that takes effort, discipline, and work to do so consistently.

Think of the ways Jesus taught. He made it clear how hard it was for a rich person to get to heaven by talking about a camel going through the eye of a needle! Vivid and humorous if you try to picture it. He painted word pictures of a house built on sand and what happens when the storms of life come. I suspect no one ever got bored when Jesus spoke Truth.

So...as you present to your staff, your on-air audience, your potential podcast crowd, or your television viewers, see if you can hit all the marks that Valerie Geller says are ways to compelling communication...

  • Tell the truth.
  • Make it matter.
  • Never be boring!

The world’s best tutor

When I was in school tutors weren’t such a prevalent thing. You didn’t hear terms like “mentor” or “life coach” much back then. I know I could have used tutors for some of the classes I took in my grade school days and my undergraduate years. But now we have a wealth of help for those who are still on the education track. And since I am a proponent of being a lifelong learner, I’m glad there is help there, too.

It has been my privilege to sit under the teaching of great pastors and Bible scholars. I did not have formal seminary training, so I’m really glad for the wisdom of those who did and who have poured God’s wisdom into me through all my years. I recognize the importance of studying God’s Word myself, but I sometimes struggle with what it might mean and what the Lord is trying to tell me and teach me. Anyone one else find themselves there? And as a ministry leader, I know how important it is to share more than good ideas... to share God’s ideas.

In my Scripture reading this morning I came across the very familiar story of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. I love that passage. You remember it. After Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, one of the first places He was seen was on a dusty road out of Jerusalem. A couple of the Christ-followers were walking rather dejectedly away from their disappointment and despair over what had transpired. It was the worst of all days for them. Then Jesus began to walk alongside them.

After Jesus led them through the Scriptures, then later revealed Himself to them, the men exclaimed...

Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?

Luke 24:32 NLT

That verse has touched me each time I have read it. But this time...something different emerged. It was the fact that Jesus explained the Scriptures to them. Jesus. One of the first things He did after the significant event of His resurrection was to walk among disciples and show them what the Word of God meant. And it changed the narrative for these men immediately.

If Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever...and He is...couldn’t I expect that His Spirit would be willing to explain Scripture to me? Yes, there is value in commentaries and pastors and teachers. But we should not think that we cannot discern God’s Truth with His help on a daily basis.

It helps me in this area are to ask some questions.

1. What is the passage saying? Context is critical.
2. What is the implication for the people of that day? How did they respond?
3. What is God saying to me? What does this mean for me personally...today?

A. W. Tozer in his book Man: The Dwelling Place of God addressed the idea of the Bible being difficult to understand.

“I believe that we find the Bible difficult because we try to read it as we would read any other book, and it is not the same as any other book.... The Bible is a supernatural book and can be understood only by supernatural aid.”

How important is it to read and discern God’s will in His Word? Dr. Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God reveals the value of dedicated, consistent spiritual growth.

“Grass that is here today and gone tomorrow does not require much time to mature. A giant oak tree that lasts for generations requires much more time to grow strong.”

Do you desire to understand God’s Word and His will in your life on a daily basis? The good news is that you have the best tutor ever to help you interpret Scripture and apply it to your life...so that you might grow into the spiritual oak tree that God wants you to be.

Success! Now what?

I was intrigued recently at John Maxwell’s comments in the Maxwell Leadership Bible. He looked at Nehemiah’s response and action after the successful rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem, and from this biblical passage in the Old Testament Maxwell drew some interesting leadership insight.

Many of us set goals and have projects for our ministries and organizations that stretch us and often exhaust us. If we are not careful, we can let down our guard, enjoy the success of the project or event, and fail to lead properly. What was it that Nehemiah did that Maxwell caught?

Nehemiah didn’t let down his guard.

If you read the beginning of Nehemiah 7 you see that the massive work of rebuilding the wall and hanging the gates had been finished in spite of opposition and ridicule. It would have been easy to celebrate and relax. Not Nehemiah.

This amazing man of God quickly set specific instructions about watching and guarding the gate to the city of Jerusalem. He recognized the importance of looking at the next step in being not just successful, but diligent and obedient to the Lord.

Leadership guru John Maxwell says that leaders have to be willing to change their leadership style and stay on task even after a successful project or event.

“Two emotions usually follow a great achievement: first, a sigh of relief and celebration; and second, a sense of . . . now what? How we handle achievement tells us a lot about our character.”

Maxwell sees Nehemiah as a great example of how a leader needs to change with the times. He illustrates this by detailing the differences in how a person leads when situations change. He calls these two styles seasons.

Two Types of Leadership Seasons

1. Catalyst: Gets it going
2. Designer: Thinks it up
3. Motivator: Encourages
4. Entrepreneur: Relies on self

1. Consolidator: Keeps it going

2. Developer: Follows it up

3. Manager: Organizes

4. Executive: Relies on others

If a leader, especially after a great success or achievement, doesn’t move from one season to the next, the ministry may suffer. Nehemiah knew they couldn’t just celebrate the achievement of rebuilding the wall and gates. They needed to be diligent and have a plan for protecting the city and the people. He kept the success going by following up, organizing, and putting other people in his plan.

You may not feel you have an enemy ready to storm the gates, but we know that Satan is always roaming, looking for a weak place in our lives and our ministries to exploit and to defeat us. Be sure that you as a ministry leader and a spiritual leader adjust your plans and your style to ensure Satan doesn’t get a foothold for destruction.

Too busy? Then stop!

How busy are you? I can almost see you roll your eyes, sigh, and think about all that is on your agenda today…this week. I woke up the other morning at 3:15am thinking of several key projects I had on my list. I wasn’t sure if I would get back to sleep. Too much to think about!

So…where does “time with the Lord” show up on your To Do list? At the top? Near the bottom? Not on the list?

American Gospel singer Larnell Harris sang a song with words from God’s perspective.

I miss My time with you….

And it hurts me when you say

You're too busy, busy trying to serve Me

But how can you serve Me When your spirit's empty….

When I was manager of Christian radio station KCBI in Dallas, I often told the staff, “We can’t effectively send a message outside the walls of the station that isn’t happening inside the walls.

God’s love? Forgiveness? Grace? Humility? Are these evident in your ministry and in your work? I realized something as I would talk to the staff about that. It first had to begin with me. And it first had to begin with my personal time with God. Bible study. Prayer…and not just talking to God but listening to Him…to hear what the Lord wants to say to me.

I also realized I had to exhibit Jesus’ nature in my daily life. Love. Forgiveness. Grace. Humility.

The second radio station I ever worked for, while still in college, was a major market secular station. On one wall was a little sign that said:

To err is human; to forgive divine. Neither are the policies here!

It was meant as a joke, but it still sent the message: Don’t expect any grace in this place.

Martin Luther is quoted as saying,

"If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. "

We can see that philosophy in the life of Jesus. We are often told of the Savior’s times of solitude and prayer.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Mark 1:35 NLT

Well, I’m not in Martin Luther’s realm in my prayer life. But I can follow the pattern Jesus set and carve out early hours for the study of God’s Word and a time of prayer...listening for His voice in my heart.

How about you? Let’s see what the Lord can do in our lives and in our ministries as we move towards more time with the Heavenly Father…before things become too busy.

Don’t over-think yourself

Our world is complicated and complex. And if we are not careful, we will over think situations and solutions that we need for our ministries and organizations. Sometimes simple is best. But in this complex world of technology, simple isn’t usually our first thought. Maybe it ought to be.

Many of us have sung the simple chorus, “O How He Loves You and Me,” by the late Christian composer, pianist and conductor Kurt Kaiser. I had the honor of getting to know Kurt through the years. On an occasion I drove the 90 miles south of my home to his home in Waco, Texas. We sat in his office/studio and he told me how that simple song came about.

Kurt was wanting a little chorus for a project he was working on. As will happen with artist and creative people, his mind was blank. Nothing would come. Looking around in his piano bench he came across a little piece of paper with some words on it he had written sometime before. Just a few words. Discarded when written...but found in this moment of creative need.

Kurt set the piece of paper on the music rack of his piano and began to look for a melody that would fit those few simple words. What he arrived at was a sweet, simple chorus that resonated with people because of its simple truth.

O how He loves you and me,
O how He loves you and me,
He gave His life, what more could He give?
O how He loves you, o how He loves me,
O how He loves you and me.

In Kurt’s words:

“In 1975, I sat down to think about that phrase and the whole song quickly came to me. I could not have spent more than 10 or 15 minutes writing the whole of it. That’s how rapidly it all came, the lyrics and the melody together. I sent it off to secure a copyright. I could not believe what came back in the mail.”

To his surprise, Kurt received a letter back from that office saying, “Mr. Kaiser, thank you for submitting your song for copyright. I’m sorry to inform you there is not enough original material for us to be able to legally protect it with a copyright.” The song was simply too simple.

Kurt, being the creative man that he was, quickly penned a second verse to the chorus, never intending it to be sung, only to secure that important copyright.

Jesus to Calv’ry did go,

His love for sinners to show.

What He did there brought hope from despair.

O how He loves you; O how He loves me;

O how He loves you and me!

That day in Kurt Kaiser’s studio/office he played that simple song. Even as I write these words, I get tears at the simple truth...the profound truth...of God’s amazing love for me and for you. Powerful.

For God so loved the world that He gave... John 3:16 KJV

Interestingly, during that visit, Kurt put on a tape of that song. Kurt Kaiser was a great improvisor, and he had taken the simple melody of that simple song and had woven it into an almost 10-minute piano piece as intricate as any classical piece by Debussy. The simple had taken on new life.

A few years later our Christian radio station had a special concert with a large symphony orchestra. Kurt was in the audience, and we had arranged a surprise. We called him up on stage at the symphony hall, he sat at the grand piano, and before thousands in that great concert hall, Kurt played that extended version of his simple chorus. Several times in the piece he would nod to the audience and they would begin to voice those simple words, softly...reverently...thoughtfully.

O how He loves you and me,
O how He loves you and me,
He gave His life, what more could He give?
O how He loves you, o how He loves me,
O how He loves you and me.

I will never forget that moment. The simple had become profound. Tears fell from many eyes. Professional musicians sat up in surprise. God was honored and His Truth was lifted in praise.

Sometimes...sometimes...the simple idea is the right idea.

And as a gentle reminder, it is not our idea that is important. It is the power of the Lord Jesus that is crucial.

He gave His life...what more could he give?

What? How? When?

If you are like me, being a leader is challenging. The normal leadership activity (we think) is to tell others what to do. The smarter thing is to ask questions.  It is so much easier, though, to just tell people what to do. It might surprise you to know that dictating action, activity, and instructions to those around you can actually be quite limiting for you and your ministry.

I’m still working on this facet of leadership...and like me, you may need some help getting started in the process of asking questions. A recent post by my friend Bob Tiede (LeadingWithQuestions.com) had these suggestions.

  • Ask and give people a chance to think before they respond, don’t fill the silence.
  • Don’t judge their answers; say “yes AND....” instead of “yes, BUT....”
  • Assume that the people on your team are smart and capable, because they ARE.
  • Give them a chance to lead the way forward.

Questions to Ask Your Team This Week and EVERY Week

  1. How can I help?
  2. What do you think?
  3. What needs to happen next?
  4. What’s possible from here?
  5. How can we take it up a level?
  6. What do you need from me?
  7. What can we use that we already have?
  8. What’s in our way?
  9. What scares you?
  10. How can I clear the path forward?

I love these suggestions. Jesus used this technique as he dealt with the people around him.

Then he (Jesus) asked them (the disciples), “But who do you say I am?” Matthew 15:16 NLT

Jesus didn’t ask this for His own information or His own affirmation. He asked because He knew that who they believed He was would make all the difference in their lives. And Peter’s answer became a revelation to those around him.

You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:16 NLT

I almost wrote, “Use these suggested questions this week to increase your leadership.” Instead, let me ASK, “Reading this, what needs to happen next in your ministry?” I’ll wait for you to ponder and then answer.

The Medium is the Message -

This intriguing phrase, “the medium is the message,” has been shaping media thought for over 50 years, penned by Canadian communication thinker Marshall McLuhan in 1964. And it has probably confused as many people as it enlightened. In its simplest form the thought is an acknowledgement that messages are not delivered in a vacuum, but rather are impacted by the medium by which they are carried. McLuhan goes a lot farther than that, but it is good to think through this concept as we transmit God’s message.

On a greater level, those who are called to lead others, whether in our ministries, organizations, churches, or simply our families, need to understand a similar principle.

The character of a leader counts.

I know, we see many leaders whose personal character is questionable. If they are leading well it is by God’s abundant grace. But rather than consider these anomalies in leadership, let’s think about the role to which God has called us.

In the book Spiritual Leadership Coaching authors Richard Blackaby and Bob Royall talk about the importance of character for those wanting to lead others and connect them to God’s plan and His heart. Dr. Blackaby talks about the difficulty of actually influencing others in a positive way.

“Most people want to impact others, yet such influence is often elusive.... The sheer number or volume of a person’s words does not determine their power. Even truthful words may fail to inspire change. The most effective coaches are those whose character is consistent with their message.”

That sounds a lot like Marshall McLuhan’s thoughts. The medium...the person wanting to lead others...influences greatly the message. Our ability to lead others spiritually (and in ministry that is ultimately what we are needing to do) is often limited by our own spiritual condition. Dr. Henry Blackaby said, “You cannot take people further spiritually than you have gone yourself.”

So, if you are wanting to give strong, spiritual leadership to those the Lord has entrusted to you...your staff, volunteers, family, friends...there are some things to keep in mind. We know that if we want radio listeners to hear our programming and receive the message we have for them, they must be sure they are tuned in to the correct radio frequency. In the book on spiritual leadership the authors point out that coaches and leaders must be tuned in to God’s frequency in order to hear God’s message and direction. And there are four ways that happens.

  • God speaks through the Bible. Coaches and leaders must persistently seek the Person and will of God through His Word.
  • God speaks through prayer. However, simply telling God about a need does not necessarily reveal God’s answers. For that, people must stop speaking and tune their spiritual senses to the Lord’s voice.
  • God sometimes speaks through life circumstances. Blackaby calls this “connecting the spiritual dots.” We must learn to recognize the Lord’s activity in our ordinary lives. Life is merely a random series of events...until people recognize God’s activity in their circumstances.
  • God speaks through the church. Spiritual communities provide valuable wisdom, feedback, and accountability to their participants.

Author Greg Henry Quinn’s thoughts on character ring true:

“Some are blessed with physical and mental facility, but none are more prized than the one who has developed true character.”

Famed American basketball coach John Wooden would agree.

“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

Paul, writing to the Roman believers, talked about the steps that lead to a person of character.

Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope.

Romans 5:3-4 NET

To sum up the importance of character, here’s what Blackaby and Royall say:

“The key to a coach’s (leader’s) effectiveness is not in their eloquence but their Christ-likeness.”

That is my prayer for you and for me today.

Turn on the power

When I was a young boy my dad owned a radio repair shop in downtown Fort Worth. I loved to rummage around in the old radios and see if I could get any of them working. I learned that there were some key vacuum tubes that were critical to making the radio power on and provide music, news, information, and even inspiration to those who listened. One tube was a 6AU6. That tube allowed all of the other tubes to function and amplify the programming picked up by the radio. When that tube went bad, the radio was merely a useless box.

I learned recently that the president of SiriusXM satellite radio uses an interesting acrostic in his meetings. Jim Meyer references the acrostic over and over to his team. It is based on the word A-M-P-L-I-F-Y. Sounds like it fits right into our media world. Here is his acrostic:

  • Applaud and encourage new thinking.
  • Move forward and be purposeful in our desire to win.
  • Prioritize honesty, integrity, and respectful communication.
  • Lean on each other and learn from one another.
  • Invest in our actions and commit to the follow through.
  • Find ways to give back by focusing on community and feeding your individuality
  • You Matter. We embrace our differences, empower each other, and include everyone.

Some good thoughts there. These principles promote fresh thinking with great purpose and desire. They seek to build a foundation of honesty, integrity, and respect with all in our communications. And teamwork, community, and the value of each person on the team is emphasized.

While certainly not a biblical approach, the explanation of the acrostic can have spiritual meaning as we lead others. Look at what God’s Word says in some of these areas.

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NLT

...let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 NLT

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.

Proverbs 2:7 NLT

Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. 1 Timothy 4:15 NLT

We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves. Romans 15:1 NLT

I’m sure you could find more from God’s word that amplifies the acrostic A-M-P-L-I-F-Y. More importantly than just finding scripture or reciting an acrostic, put these principles to work as you lead teams and serve the Lord...for His glory and His purpose. And see God’s power turned on and amplified through your ministry.

That’s impossible!

It is amusing to see incidents in the Bible when God’s people ask for a miracle, the Lord does a miraculous thing, and the people are shocked and surprised. It is amusing, that is, until I see it in my life and the life of other Christ-followers. Examples?

I mentioned a few weeks ago about that miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand men...plus women and children. When the disciples encouraged Jesus to send the people home because they had no food for them and no way to get any, Jesus simply looked at his dedicated followers and said, “You feed them.” Surprise!

Later, when the disciples had pushed off from shore while Jesus stayed to pray, the storm hit, and it hit hard. Looking around, these men saw a form walking on the water. Jesus. And Peter, being Peter, blurted out a request.

Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. Matthew 14:28,29 NLT

You remember what happened next. Peter jumped over the side of the boat...and he walked on water...until. Until he looked around at his circumstances...the winds and the big waves...and he began to sink. Peter had apparently never sung the old song, “He who began a good work in you....” And Jesus, in His love and with His gentle admonition, grabbed Peter and exclaimed, “You have so little faith. Why did you doubt me?”

I’ve prayed for friends and family members for years and have seen the Lord do His miraculous thing in their lives. Yes, some are still a work in progress...but aren’t we all? There are times Jesus has had to say in my heart, “You have so little faith. Why did you doubt me?”

There have been other times when I have brought problems to the Lord looking for Him to do something great before my eyes, and He has responded like He did to His disciples, “You feed them.” As I imagine those men who surrounded Jesus did, I sometimes just stand before the Lord and stare. “What? I just told you the impossible situation we are in. Don’t you get it, God?”

Oh, He gets it. And He understands you and me. The Lord knows we need to take steps of faith...in our ministries, in our lives, with our families. If Christ is leading us, then we need to just step out of the boat...or begin to gather little fish and loaves of bread.

As you read God’s Word, as you pray, as you lead your ministry this week, listen for the Lord’s voice in your heart.

“You feed them.”

“Yes, come.”

And don’t be surprised when the impossible becomes not only possible but amazingly victorious.