MEDIA Alliance works with leaders who direct media ministries around the globe.

Since these leaders are focused on using radio, television, or internet tools to reach their country for Jesus, many deal with unique pressures from their governments or people from other religious beliefs.

Leadership is lonely by its very nature.

There aren’t seminaries. There isn’t a church on every city block. Just getting leadership training can be a challenge. And building teams and providing leadership is difficult.

There’s huge potential for discouragement to set in when these leaders face hardships or persecution.

And that’s why MEDIA Alliance exists.

To encourage these Christian leaders. To gather them together for times of encouragement. To provide practical teaching and leadership helps. To stand with them in prayer as they face challenges.

To help encourage these leaders, MEDIA Alliance provides the following resources.

Weekly Leadership Podcast

Our weekly Monday MEMO is available in text and video formats.

Media Training

We assist international partner ministries by providing media training to fit their particular needs at no cost to these ministries.

Regional Forums

Our Forums are regional leadership conferences that are designed to bring together top leaders.

Ongoing Conversations

We stay in contact with these leaders throughout the year to provide prayers and encouragement.

The Summit

Every other year, we invite selected ministries to participate in a week of training and networking in Dallas.

Your support helps encourage Gospel work around the world.

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