In the late 1960s a songwriter from Mexico penned a lyrical tune. It made its way to America and gained great popularity when recorded by crooner Perry Como. It was a love song called “It’s Impossible,” and some think it the best love song of all time. The lyrics speak of the impossible thought of not loving his sweetheart. Some of the verses:
Can the ocean keep from rushin’ to the shore?
It’s just impossible.
Ask a baby not to cry
It’s just impossible.
You get the idea. It is a beautiful expression of love.
But what happens when you are faced with a seemingly impossible situation? As a leader, you often feel that it’s not one impossible thing but a series of them. One after another.
I was just reading of an impossible event that Jesus’ disciples faced, and it is interesting to see the Lord’s response to them as they explained it to him.
It happened during one of the times Jesus was teaching the thousands who had come to hear this unusual man. Luke writes of the impossible thing the disciples were facing.
Late in the afternoon the twelve disciples came to him and said, “Send the crowds away to the nearby villages and farms, so they can find food and lodging for the night. There is nothing to eat here in this remote place.”
Luke 9:12 NLT
Jesus listened to his disciples, looked at them, and then told them to do something impossible.
You feed them. (v.13)
Do you ever wonder what the disciples thought? “Jesus, didn’t you just hear us? There. Is. Nothing. Here. To. Eat!”
Have you ever found yourself in an impossible situation, one where you were sure God was leading you? Be ready. The Lord may have something miraculous right around the corner.
You know the story. Jesus asked what food they DID have. Five loaves of bread and a couple of small fish. Jesus then took what was available to the disciples and did the miraculous. After blessing the tiny amount of food, He fed the thousands upon thousands, with a surplus left over.
My friend Richard Blackaby says to be careful when God places before you something that seems impossible.
“When you declare it’s impossible for you to do what God told you to do, you show your doubts about how powerful God really is. It is one thing to believe in God’s power, it is quite another to live your life in obedient response to an all-powerful God.”
― Richard Blackaby, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God
So…an impossible situation before you? Don’t tell God why it can’t be done. Look to see what things you have and be willing to bring that to the Lord. Then…watch and see Jesus do another miracle before your eyes. You see, with God, it’s not so impossible after all.
God’s best,
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